How To Make My Husband Realize What He Has (How To Make Your Husband Realize He Is Losing You)
How to make my husband realize what he has - How to make your husband realize he is losing you.?
There are times when you know that your husband's behavior and habits have started to kill the love you had for him. This is a serious matter and you wish that your husband will mend his ways before it becomes too late! Here are some ways in which you can make him realize that he could lose you!
Let him sense your dissatisfaction
There is no point pretending that you are happy and content when you are not! Don't put up a false front and make him feel at ease. Let him know that you are sad and unhappy with the way things are. Let him realize that you are pushed to the limit and it is only a matter of time when you will take a decision about staying in the relationship.
Show him that you have had enough!
Don't let him get comfortable with what he is doing. Let him know that you will not take his cheating lying down! Stop doing the usual things you have been doing for him. If he does not bother about your feelings, then you should not bother about his! This will make him review the situation and decide if he can carry on without you.
Get independent
Sometimes a man treats a woman like a slave because he feels that she needs him too much to walk out on him. Well if your husband thinks that you will never be able to live without him, then surprise him by getting independent. Get a job and become financially secure. Then start getting involved in activities that do not involve him. He will soon get the picture and will realize that he could lose you!
Two can play the game
If he is cheating on you, then all you got to do is to let him see that two can play the game. Become even more attractive and take the trouble to get a new wardrobe. Go out more often and form your own circle of friends. This will make him realize that he could lose you to someone else if he gets too careless and unfaithful.
Talk to him about the situation
Don't keep him in the dark about your feelings. If you are unhappy about the way he behaves, his cheating and his callousness then it is only fair that you let him know. Once you speak your mind, he will have to respond to you either positively or negatively. Either way you will know the course of action you will have to take.
Drop subtle hints that you are beginning to pull away
There are a hundred little ways you can show him that you are beginning to pull away from him because of the way he treats you. If he has been cheating on you, then you should let him know that you will not tolerate it and are willing to walk away from the marriage unless he makes a sincere effort to change.
Get away from him for a while
Make a decision to go away for a while. If you have never been away from him, this is going to come as a surprise. He will begin to hate the idea of you pulling away from him. This is a great opportunity to think of the future and make up your mind about your marriage. The fact that you have made a move to get away from him will make him realize that he could be losing you.
Are you tired of living in a relationship in which you feel neglected? Many married people find themselves feeling alone and rejected by their spouse. If you feel taken for granted, there's a way to change that now. To learn more about how to transform your marriage so your spouse loves and adores you more than they ever has before, visit this Helpful Site.
Battling Romance Myths - You Can Have a Fulfilling Marriage
Sometimes the myths and old-fashioned views of marriage can hold couples back from having a fulfilling and happy marriage. It is important to recognize your spouse as a special individual with so much to offer; but you need to show love and respect in return. Encouraging your partner through affirmation, understanding and appreciation are crucial to breaking through the myths that surround relationships between men and women. Working through and dismissing that type of information as old-fashioned and irrelevant can open doors in your marriage you didn't even realize were closed.
When disagreements flare up between you and your partner, bring to mind some of those stereotypes you might be clinging to and purpose to dispel them. For example, if you believe being romantic is the best way to cover up your faults, it may appear to work but it doesn't solve the problem. If someone is not a nice person, they won't miraculously change just because they gave their spouse flowers. Romantic overtures may mask some faults for a short time, but a person's true self always comes out eventually. If you are realistic about your expectations of each other, only then can romance work wonders to improve your marriage.
Have you ever heard the saying "If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile"? There is a measure of truth to this particular saying but it only sets us up to be suspicious of someone who really hasn't done anything in order to earn our suspicion. In order to dispel this myth, it is important in any relationship to exercise a "give and take" attitude. If you give an inch consistently, you will be satisfying your partner and they won't need that extra mile. By doing this, you will find them giving that inch back. If you don't ever give or give so rarely that your efforts are not remembered, your spouse has every right to require a mile from you. Give him or her an inch and then enjoy the journey down the rest of the mile together.
If you believe that, once you marry someone you can change him or her, you are in for a very rude awakening. You cannot change a person into your image, but you can have an impact on how they may see things. You can either help them adjust to new or unfamiliar ways of thinking or you can resort to manipulation, but nothing will change the essence of who your spouse is. Never manipulate or push your partner in a direction he or she resists.
Fact is, you may be the one who needs to change in order to alter his or her way of thinking or viewing things. You can either do this on your own or possibly seek the help of a therapist. Either way, what you hope to accomplish is the need for better understanding and acceptance between you and your spouse. If there are problems due to personality conflicts, try working together to learn how to express thoughts and feelings in a positive manner. If you truly love each other, you will successfully battle the romance myths and win the war to the benefit of your marriage.
Relationships are meant to be fun. We often forget that fact. With the right attitude and some unique ideas on how to make yours successful, you both can have a life spent together full of laughter and adventure!
Thinking about regaining the status of "Happily Married"? It is possible, and is not difficult if you think it is not. But exactly how you do so? If you would like the source most couples used to revive their relationship, strengthened their marriage, regain trust and love in the marriage and not giving up then visit this Helpful Site.