How to make the most of your time !(Collected)

Just imagine that you have a bank that credits your account each morning with Rs.86,400 and does not carry forward the balance to next day. At the end of each day, it deletes whatever money you have failed to utilize and makes the balance zero. What do you think, would you do in such a situation? Of course, utilize the entire amount to last penny! Ah! You are not a stupid to let all this money go down the drain.


Now, stop for a moment. Don’t you think you already have such an account called TIME ? Every morning, full 86,400 seconds are credited to your account… and at the end of the day, whatever out of this you could not utilize, is just written off. No balance carried forward, no balance brought forward, no overdraft. The time lost is lost forever. What are you doing about it?


You can surely put all this time to make best of it for today and even invest it to receive rich dividends in later part of your life. How? When you put this time to work, you earn money for today. Utilizing time for adding knowledge or skill is investment for future as it enhances your earning capacity. Even when you spend it wisely with your family or friends, that is your investment in relationships, which pays in the longer run. However, procrastination and idling away your time is the loss, which can never be recovered, since the time bank does not permit you any carry forward or advance payments.


The message is clear, you have to live today to the fullest. Somebody rightly said that past is history, future is dream, and present is the reality. Why is it called present? Because it is the gift we get everyday. Time is such a priceless commodity you need to see from the eyes of a runner who misses gold in the race by a few milliseconds. And the race of life has innumerable such opportunities not so obvious to us.


Time and tide wait for nobody.


There are some very simple techniques to make most of our time. Start with a positive attitude and consider these:

  1. Determine your priorities
  2. Be Proactive / Plan a day ahead
  3. Avoid rigidity - Use flexibility in your plan
  4. Develop creative habits
  5. Know your biological prime time.
  6. Take decision - Do it, delegate it or dump it
  7. Learn to say “No”
  8. Avoid being a perfectionist.
  9.  Work towards eliminating “Urgent”.


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