How to make money with your personal brand

How to make money with your personal brand

A personal brand and online presence are non-negotiable for any modern leader. Learn how you can make money with your personal brand below.


At Flow, we work with many consultants interested in publishing weekly content on their social media channels to position themselves as experts in their field. Because there are nearly 500,000 consultants in the US, posting unique and thought-provoking content is crucial to standing out from the crowd.

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Tasha Jones of LV Jones Consulting is one of those people. Naturally gifted at the written and spoken word, Jones was interested in publishing blogs that showcase her DEI firm's strengths: auditing clients' messaging, finding blind spots, and connecting businesses with DEI professionals.

Her long-term content strategy paid off, and her blogs and LinkedIn posts have led to many new business opportunities.?

Paid speaking

Having a solid personal brand is crucial to securing paid speaking gigs. If no one knows who you are (and there is no evidence of your track record online), you won't be asked to speak – let alone get paid to do it.?

A strong online presence is an excellent credential for a speaker. If an organization sees your content receives a lot of engagement online, they'll make the connection that a live audience will react similarly. Plus, your content will reinforce your ability to speak on a designated topic.

Andy Horning developed his personal brand based on his experience as a therapist and what he learned in antiracism trainings. He then wrote a book called “Grappling: White Men’s Journey from Fragile to Agile” and created a sponsored podcast based on those teachings.?

Professional services

One of the best ways to leverage your personal brand is to establish your authority in your field of service and then use that authority to attract new clients. This is especially useful for those in the medical field or financial field.?

Dr. Sheryl Ziegler is a great example of this notion. Dr. Ziegler is the founder of The Child and Family Therapy Center at Lowry. She's built her reputation as a "go-to" family and parenting expert over the years, which landed her a publishing deal with HarperCollins.

By increasing her presence on social media ahead of her book launch, Dr. Ziegler reinforced her reputation as a leading psychotherapist and advocate for children.?

Coaching services

Like consultants, thousands and thousands of coaches are available for hire online for every industry imaginable. Without a strong personal brand to differentiate why you're the best option for your industry, you may lose potential clients to other coaches.?

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The executive coaching service Untethered is a perfect example of using branding to attract clients. This equine and plant medicine coaching facility regularly engages their mailing list to inform them of new science and breakthroughs in their field, so they spread the word to other like-minded high achievers.?

Clients for your firm

Client acquisition is an ongoing process. In addition to pursuing outbound leads, agencies should strive to create exciting content online relevant to their desired audience. Though blogs and LinkedIn posts might not always lead directly to sales, they can and often do contribute to why a potential client reaches out.?

Before Chris Schwalbach, founder of AVL Growth Partners, developed a personal brand, he mostly relied on warm leads to grow his business. By creating engaging content online, he was able to generate traffic so that he could head into a market with a cold opening, and people would already know about him and AVL.

Recruit people to work for your company

If you want to attract top-notch employees, you need to show them why they should work for you. Just as you research your potential new hires, many candidates see the interview process as a two-way street.

With a solid online presence, candidates get an idea of your company's culture, mission, and values, and you'll earn their trust in return.

Sell a software/SaaS product

SaaS isn't the sexiest subject for most people, and a lot of literature surrounding it is often technical and boring. But it doesn't have to be. With the proper marketing and branding strategy, you can create meaningful content that draws people in to learn more about your product.

Apprentix is a great example of this. Apprentix is an apprenticeship management platform that allows businesses to build and customize apprenticeship programs. By posting how-to guides and thought leadership pieces on apprenticeships and higher education, the company appears more approachable and thus attracts more clients.?

Elephant Learning also leveraged a strong online presence to sell its e-learning platform to parents. Elephant Learning Academy harnesses the latest scientific research in mathematics education to provide students with experiential learning. By implementing storytelling into its marketing strategy, the brand makes deeper connections with its customers.

Changing careers

Making a big career change to a new industry can appear confusing to an outsider who doesn't understand your motivations. That's where a strong personal brand comes in to assist. While conventional wisdom advises entrepreneurs to pick a niche, this isn't always possible for those who want to change careers. A strong personal brand with a developed style will transcend mediums and create a cohesive feel to your career journey.?

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There’s no better example of this than former NFL player turned broadcaster and keynote speaker, Ryan Harris. His content strategy speaks to both athletes and executives as he creates a throughline between the dedication and mental fortitude it took to succeed in the NFL and in business.

Get a high-profile job

If you want to become a C-Level executive, people need to know who you are. A track record of your history and successes should be framed through the lens of your personal brand. Many Silicon Valley executives have leveraged their personal brand to land high-profile jobs.

Get investing opportunities

There is a human element to investing that can make the difference between an OK deal and an amazing deal. Developing a strong personal brand means you’re known for your thoughts, personality, networks, and wisdom you provide. It also means founders will be interested in working with you. By creating an impressive online presence, people will know who you are before you walk into the door – which means it’ll take less time convincing them you’re the right investor for their idea.?

Attract high-net-worth clients

Attracting high-net-worth individuals to engage in your business is a difficult and lengthy process. Having a strong online presence and brand will help make that process a little bit easier.?

Flow’s Founder Andy Seth founded and ran a wealth management company and needed to build a base of high-net-worth clients to keep growing. Though he couldn’t outspend the big players like Merrill Lynch on marketing, he could compete with individual advisors by having a well-defined personal brand. He used this brand to develop trust by showing he was reliable, credible, and unselfish, which attracted high-net-worth clients.


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