How to make money with almost any affiliate program (Hint: It requires focus.)
LaJuan "Cynthia" P.
I help network marketers grow their team & increase their income - all while improving their health!
If you have a goal in mind, stick with the plan - until you reach your goal.
A lot of times we set goals, with a clear picture of how much money we want to earn, but then quit before we reach our goal. This is a set-back, and keeps us from getting where we intended to go!
Goal-setting is a lot like traveling. For instance, if I’m going on a trip to a “Vacation-Destination”, I’ve already made the decision of where I want to go. Now, all I need to decide is how I’m going to get there. (I could drive, or fly, or, if I like the landscape along the way, I’ll take a bus or the train!)
I live in a beautiful country, so I’ve decided to take a train to my “Vacation-spot”, that’s miles away from where I live. On the train, it’ll take 5 days. But along the way, I’ll simply relax & enjoy the scenery!
Now, let’s imagine that on my way to the destination that’s 5 days away, I decide to get off the train after Day 2. Now, I’m stuck in a place that I did not intend to visit, and I may never reach my “Vacation-destination!”
- After you’ve searched, and
- then researched your all there is to know about your project,
- you’ve set goals,
- you’ve written them down, then,
- you’ve broken them down into doable parts,
- now comes the challenge of sticking with the plan, no matter the obstacles. Because, to quit, means one of 2 things: You’ll never get there, or you’ll get there “later.”
- But...
Why delay success? Hopping from program to program just lengthens the trip!