How to Make Millions Selling Cars
Billy W. Merritt
CEO-Merritt Marketing and DigiNinja. Author-The Art of Text Message Selling. Pioneer of The Facebook Buyback Events.
In 1995, I was 21 years old. I quit college and started washing cars in December.(Excellent timing.) I went to all 4 local car dealerships and worked out a deal to clean all their trade ins. I found myself in dealership showrooms everyday listening to sales managers help their sales people and watching them pencil deals. I loved it. It gives me butterflies just thinking about it. Anyway, I wanted to do it. I convinced one of the sales managers to hire me and it was over... Car Guy For Life. I was young and I made a lot mistakes. But I found some good mentors along the way. I worked for several dealers and I have been a top producer as a salesman, finance manager, sales manager, GSM, GM, and I even owned my own dealership. Today, I get to serve thousands of dealerships and help thousands of sales people across the country. I am very qualified to advice and mentor sales people. I want to help you too. Here are the 4 Rules You Must Follow if you want to have Massive Success in Sales.
#1. Be Positive with a Can-Do Attitude. There is no value in complaining or being negative. Be positive about your boss. Be positive about your co-workers, even help them out every chance you get. Be positive about your product. Be positive about the numbers your present. Just be positive and Stay Away From Negative People. People will pay more money for a great attitude than they will a great product.
#2. Write Your Goals Down Every Day. There is something magical about physically writing down your goals. I truly believe it is the Secret that Shouldn't be Secret to my Personal Success. Write a plan down everyday and change it as much as you need to. Just write it down with Pen and Ink. And do not be afraid to Go Big. There is nothing wrong with wanting your own private jet, beach house, and being the biggest donor to your favorite charity.
#3. Build the Biggest Group of Friends You Can. We all need more friends. You need more REAL FRIENDS in your life.(Stay away from Negative People.) You need friends in management, friends on the sales floor, a Huge Network of customers that consider you a friend. You need friends at other dealerships. You need friends at the manufacturer and with the vendors that serve your dealership. The right relationships will set you on a rocket ship ride to a life of your dreams. The best way to have True Friends is to be a True Friend. Be a Giver not a Taker and you will have a lot of friends. If someone starts taking advantage and you find yourself in a one way friendship where you are the only one giving and helping, just replace them with another friend.(Stay Away From Negative People.)
#4.Train Daily. If you want to be great at anything you have to Train Daily. Do not make the mistake of thinking sales is different. Training is the easiest of these 4 steps yet the most neglected. There are a lot of great programs you can train on and lots of trainers in my friend list. If you don't like my training. Use one of them. IF you would like more information on my training just send me a message or find out more at Just Train Daily. 10 minutes spent training will be worth millions of dollars to you in a few short years.
I truly want to see you make it to the top of your game. Let me know if I can help. Thanks.