How to make mental health a concrete commitment in your business

How to make mental health a concrete commitment in your business

Before?the?pandemic, only 10.8%?of?Americans reported anxiety or depressive symptoms — that figure has swelled to?over 30%, per?the?National Center for Health & Statistics, together with?the?Census Bureau.?They revealed?their findings this spring. It's a worrying indictment?of?instability in today's workforce – much?of?which has spurred?The?Great Resignation, as people reassess how and where?they find meaning in?their professional lives.

Mental health has climbed near?the?top?of?priorities for businesses around?the?world. Your own employment plan may reflect that. Or perhaps you're still figuring out how to strengthen mood and motivation. Treating a frame?of?mind, after all, seems less empirical than physical health care. Yet with?the?stress?of?longer hours, less backup and ongoing supply chain issues, warehouse workers may need mental support more than ever.

We'd like to share some tips for placing mental health right at?the?heart?of?your employment, helping new and veteran hires stay calm, fulfilled and eager to clock in for?the?day.

Pay for remote?therapist contact

Many?of?us don't seriously consider?there's something wrong until we're assessed by an expert. Regular medical checkups are a good habit; why not make?them focus on?the?mind, as well as?the?body? A checkup whenever necessary – through apps like BetterHelp and Talkspace – bring workers face to face with a qualified professional, through a screen. You can add?these app subscriptions to your list?of?company benefits.

Have a mental health sick quota

Although we like to treat mental and physical health on?the?same terms, in reality,?the?former may seem like a tougher ask for time?off. It also means anyone who does take paid sick leave sacrifices a day?they might need for?the?flu, migraines or other sickness.?Yasmin Flasterstein, a peer support pioneer, says that "one?of?the?things we really like doing is giving mental health days. You can extend sick days or exclusively give mental health days. It shows that, as an employer, you're acknowledging mental health and valuing it."

Offer more flexible shift patterns

Often, responsibilities beyond?the?workplace are causing more stress and anxiety. You might want to reexamine flexible shifts – are?they working for everyone? Who's more in need?of?later starts, earlier finishes, or longer three-day schedules each week? Flexibility is soaring amongst?the?concerns?of?logistics employees in?the?U.S. In fact, it's?the?No. 1 reason people cite for staying in a role. Read our?Voice?Of?The?Blue?Collar?Worker 2022 report?for new trends and insights regarding employment.

Acknowledge mental health in meetings

When workers hear you speak about troubles?they may face – especially those tied to?the?logistics trade –?they're much more inclined to be open and realistic about how?they're feeling on?the?job.?There's no harm in addressing some?of?the?major challenges within?the?industry right now, tying?them to personal responses, and even mentioning your own struggles at home or work. What helps you through difficult times? Maybe your managers want to?offer?their advice too. All?of?this nourishes?the?team, allowing people to speak?their mind and find comfort in each other.



