How to make meetings more exciting

How to make meetings more exciting

If you work in an office environment, life might often feel like a case of ‘death by meetings’. Although the COVID-19 pandemic saw great numbers of us working from home, as of 2022, the return to in-person meetings is definitely upon us.?

So, why not take the opportunity to make those meetings a little bit more exciting? Here are our top tips for creating better, more enjoyable, and more productive meetings – thank us later.

Respect people’s time

It’s estimated that professionals spend up to a third of their working week in meetings. That’s an alarming figure when you think about how much of your time you sit in meetings and feel like they’re not worth you being there, should have been shorter, and the worst – could have been an email.?

So, if you’re hosting a meeting, respect your attendees’ time. Start on time and try to end early if you can – everyone will appreciate it.

Set the agenda

There may be lots of items your meeting needs to cover, so you should make sure there’s an agenda. Distribute it ahead of time and take care to include who is required for each section. It may be that not everyone needs to join for the entire meeting, or that there is a particular item you’d benefit from discussing first or last.?

Also allow attendees the opportunity to make suggestions on the agenda.

Make it collaborative

If there’s a big issue to delve into or a particular area of work to unpack, it can be tempting for one person to dominate the discussion.?

Individual presentations are important. However, you should also make sure your meeting space is one of collaboration, and that others are invited to ask questions, challenge aspects, and voice their opinions.

Cater it!

If you’re planning a particularly gruelling or time-consuming meeting, why not bring in the professional caterers? It’s nice to treat your colleagues now and again, especially on a Friday or at the end of a difficult quarter. Catered food can be a great way of showing them you value their time and are grateful for their contributions.?


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