How To Make Legitimate Money Online Using My Secret Recipe For Grandeur. (Part 1 of 7)
Marshall Adler, Top Voice In B2B Growth
Helping B2B Specialists & High-Ticket Advisors Generate Leads! 5-10+ Qualified Meetings Weekly-via LinkedIn's Public-and-Private Groups | 17K+ C-Level Followers, Reaching 22M+ USA Owners, 100% Organic
*Note: In this article, there are affiliate links to my keyword tool and provided you click-through and make a purchase, I will make a small commission. I use those small commissions to invest in companies that help others with marketing and education to help growth and provide advancement. Thanks for the help!
SEO: Search engine optimization is the act of making minor tweaks to the code and content of your website, blog, video, article etc. so that Google and other major search engines will see your presence as "relevant" to a specific niche or set of keywords.
Offline SEO: Also known as "link building" is the act of acquiring external website, domain, social and other popular votes or links that tell Google and other major engines that your presence is "popular" and deserving of front page exposure.
The above definitions are only 2 out of 3 factors that Google specifically looks for when determining who should rank page one for any specific set of keywords in any niche.
Authenticity: Being authentic online and especially in the eyes of Google is about "how natural" your link footprint appears and how often you are voted for by others.
So, How To Make Legitimate Money Online?
There are so many ways and explanations and schemes and scams and programs and products and "gurus" that it's enough to drive a mad person sane. Read that again.
It's completely overwhelming. So how do you know if what I'm about to tell you is real or if it's just another scheme or idea to make money online? Short answer: You don't.
Long answer: All you can do is read and apply and see for yourself.
I can tell you, though, that the lucky few who have accomplished what I'm going to share with you have gone on to make tens of millions dollars in their business ventures.
I myself have started on that path and doubt I'll see the end result in this lifetime as I spend majority of my time working on existing clients and their needs, as I am the sole provider of five and while fortunate to have a large family and an amazingly supportive wife, I can't leave them in the dark and work full time to accomplish the tasks described herein without going bankrupt and now that I'm maxed out on time and resources, I feel it's good timing to reveal to others, what I probably won't get a chance to use.
Looking at my client roster a few months back, I was wondering why some clients only report 3-5 conversions a month and others upwards of 100+. A conversion, is a sales lead, buyer request, form submission or phone call showing interest in what you sell.
Since 98% of my clientele is etched into the service-based side of the business world, the methods that I'm about to reveal will majority apply to 'services' instead of physical products. Although if you have good enough margins and know your market well, you can also benefit from a never-ending supply of new product buyers using this guide.
Going back to what I was saying about how to make legitimate money online...
After analyzing the clients on my roster I noticed something that held true to the recipe for grandeur that I had been given a while back when I first started in online marketing.
A guy who went by the name of 'The Rich Jerk', you may have heard of him, or not, was annoyingly making millions of dollars per year with a massive website, tons of content pages and a unique spin on telling people that they would never get rich and to close their web browser and piss off and never buy his products.
(Last I heard he had made his fortune and hired someone to attempt at selling his domain online using a knock-off site: On the site, he tries to make visitors mad and he even says that nobody legitimate would ever tell you how to make millions online or how to get rich because they don't want you to compete with them. It's a brilliant tactic to force bids and other sales of affiliate products, but I digress.)
Funny, by telling people not to buy and devaluing prospects from the jump he was able to sell millions of dollars of information about 'how to make legitimate money online as a professional affiliate marketer' using similar (negative-selling) tactics.
Now you can find that crap anywhere about how to make legitimate money online as an affiliate and most salespeople understand that negative selling works to a degree, but because there are so many affiliate marketers on the planet, most consumers know what you're trying to do when you deter them, and they usually are found to make you right.
So don't do it. Any sort of negative talk in your content or your outbound marketing usually works as it should (not how you want) and it deters the individual from buying.
Steer clear of all the fluff, programs, products, schemes and scams of the world wide web, claiming they have a real way for you to make an endless supply of money without having to do any work or 'bleed a little' for your family's survival.
Why did 'The Rich Jerk' give away his recipe for grandeur to a complete nobody?
Good question. I met him online when I was a member of Wealthy Affiliate University back in 2010 and he had everyone flocking to his site to either buy his information products or to promote his products for a commission on
I was one of the few affiliates who rebelled against his banter and negative selling copywriting and I sent him an email through his website and told him that he was full of crap and that I doubted that he had any special knowledge worth paying $297 for.
Never in a million years did I think that idiot would respond, let alone give me the keys to the castle, but he did, and I know why, mainly because he knew that I would probably never have the guts to go through with it nor would anyone believe me back then that "this was the way to make legitimate money online, forever!" So I held it inside.
Nearly a decade has passed now and I've gone on to create an amazing and beautiful family and become the #1 SEO in the United States known for having the ability to achieve page one organic placements on Google within 90-days and keep my clients there for the best keywords in their niche and geographic area in spite of algorithms.
The fortune and opportunity I've been given to provide for my family is both a blessing and a curse. A curse primarily because I just don't have time to implement the strategy of grandeur that was explained to me nearly 7 years ago by a wealthy affiliate.
So I have no fear of loss or fear of not being rich by revealing this information to you and just like 'The Rich Jerk' knew back in the day, the majority of you who read this will never take action and apply it all 100% so just consider it a great bathroom read.
And finally, the clients of mine who continually make a fortune month after month with my product installed on their website, do so because they have unwittingly completed 20% of the tasks herein and thus produce at 10X what everyone else gets. Will you?
The Exact Formula Of How To Make Legitimate Money Online:
Prerequisites: SSL (https), amazing website hosting (Cloud Core) and an amazing website platform loved by Google for its code and framework (WordPress, Weebly, Squarespace, HTML 5) and a niche domain for your products and services.
You'll also need to be able to perform your own search engine optimization through on-page specifics and offline link building activities. If you don't know about SEO and how to do it yourself you can hire an Internet Marketing consultant or start free education.
(By the way, I'm fully aware that my website is not https or SSL secured. It's on my "to do list" after my current marketing campaigns finish in August of 2017).
Task 1: Keyword Research
Task 2: Find and Create Q.O.O.C.
Task 3: Optimize Q.O.O.C For Google Using 'The Sandwich Effect'
Task 4: Publish
Task 5: Index Published Q.O.O.C. Pages On Google
Task 6: Build Authority Backlinks, EDU, GOV and PR4+ To Q.O.O.C. Pages
Task 7: Rinse and Repeat Tasks 1 through Task 6 until 1,000 Q.O.O.C. Pages Reached
That's it. Do the above seven steps exactly as I lay it out for you over the next several weeks in this 7-part series and you will soon begin realizing insane profits, sales leads and an abundance of conversions and website traffic, beyond your wildest dreams.
Remember I said that the clients of mine who acquire 100+ conversions monthly are the ones who have implemented 20% of this recipe for grandeur? I'm telling you they completed steps one through six already and have stopped at close to 200 pages.
Sometimes you find that after that many pages there's nothing more to say so they stop and then they renew with my firm year after year because we continually rank their pages with links, keep them on page one and drive several thousands of visitors monthly and that's all they can handle in terms of influx from sales and new sales opportunities.
You can be the difference! Imagine if you had 1,000 pages on your website and let's say all are 100% optimized per the guidelines of this recipe for grandeur on how to make legitimate money online. Let's also say that you hire a professional SEO expert like myself to optimize your pages and help you acquire the EDU, GOV and PR4+ backlinks and let's say 20% of the 1000 pages end up ranking on page one.
If each URL that ranks page one sends you 30 visitors a month (one visitor per day) then you would have 200 x 30 = 6,000 targeted visitors monthly.
If you sell a local service like accounting and you convert at 2% which is average then you can expect about 180 to 200 conversions monthly. You'll die with that volume!
There's no way you could handle that many in a month.
You probably couldn't even handle half of that. Now if you're a National company selling products all over the US and Worldwide then 180-200 is minimal but if you're doing this for product sales you should probably think 2X in all tasks above because an extra 400-800 sales a month would be dynamite for a product-based company.
Keep in mind that these methods work best for service-based businesses, information sellers and coaches, consultants and marketing and advertising experts.
It works Locally and Nationally and never fails if done correctly.
All you have to do is follow it 100% and don't reinvent the wheel and trust that you will get there and you will achieve all your financial goals and dreams because of it.
Typically, Google alone gives an optimized website 20% of its pages ranked page one so my clients who have 200 web pages have about 40 that show up all the time on page one of search results for various keywords. Nationally, I've noticed a 2% conversion rate is normal or average but locally, I've seen as much as 10% of the traffic convert!
So what is Task 1? Keyword Research. Sign up for the exact insights tool I use!
Look this is super simple. You sign up for an amazing keyword tool, like the one I use, that shows you "where the money is" and then you compile a massive keyword list of brand keywords, target keywords and LSI (latent semantic keywords or words that are related to what you do or offer but not specific to your services).
Your goal when compiling keywords is to pull 3+ word search strings. If you're an Accountant in Seattle Washington your list might look like below:
Brand Keywords: ABC Accounting Seattle, ABC Accounting Seattle WA, ABC Accounting Seattle Washington, Seattle WA ABC Accounting, Accounting, etc.
Target Keywords: Accounting Seattle WA, Accounting Seattle, Accounting Seattle Washington, Seattle Washington Accounting, Accountant Seattle Washington, etc.
LSI Keywords: Bookkeeping Seattle WA, Bookkeeper Seattle Washington, accounting terminology, principles of accounting, CPA starting salary, etc.
Brand and Target keywords are the easiest to come up with because you already know your Brand name and you can use my keyword tool to create a long massive list of target terms but LSI is the hardest list to come up with. Or was the hardest list to create.
That is until I discovered the most amazing FREE tool on the planet that creates these terms and gives you the list at no cost:
Your goal should be to create 1000-2000 keywords on a list and then create your website and optimize each page of your website for one or two of the keywords on your list until you've reached the final goal and start cashing in on an early retirement!
It's that simple and my favorite keyword tool has the easiest-to-follow video training in the world so in an hour you can be a total pro at keyword research. Give it a try!!
That's all for now. Stay tuned for the next part of this seven-part recipe of grandeur that aims to show you how to make legitimate money online forever using proven methods!
Want to skip the line and the wait? Hire our professional search engine optimization company today to implement these methods on your website so you can achieve your financial goals and dreams ten times faster while doing the things you truly enjoy.
Got a website? Want to improve security, performance, SEO and traffic? Feel free to request a free website SEO audit and analysis and we will consult you over the phone.
Until next time, make it a great day!
PS: Please LIKE, share and send this to your friends and followers if you feel inclined.
To Your Success,
-- Marshall C. Adler, Founder
Sky High Media, LLC | | Your Local SEO Experts
Helping You Master Lead Gen with LinkedIn & AI | Transforming Digital Presence into Lead-Generation Machines | IBM Alumni
4 年This is an awesome series. Thanks for your generosity Marshall Adler, Local SEO Expert. So many #COVID affected will benefit greatly from getting started with your strategies now.
Helping B2B Specialists & High-Ticket Advisors Generate Leads! 5-10+ Qualified Meetings Weekly-via LinkedIn's Public-and-Private Groups | 17K+ C-Level Followers, Reaching 22M+ USA Owners, 100% Organic
7 年Thanks Josh Graham for the LIKE. Check out Part 2. It would be so cool to see you implement these strategies for yourself!