How To Make Large Purchases With Your Sacred Account

How To Make Large Purchases With Your Sacred Account

The premise of this article is based on the fact that you have a Sacred Account or at least know what one is.

For those of you who don’t, a Sacred Account is a High Early Cash Value Dividend Paying Whole Life Insurance Policy. What? It’s a high cash savings account that pays you tax-free dividends and just happens to be a life insurance policy. Got it?

Alright, so the main point I want to focus on is making a large purchase. This could be a house. It could be a car. It could be an investment. It could even be college (I hope not!). Regardless of what type of purchase it is, we can all agree that people make large purchases all the time and it usually sets them back on their savings, right?

Let’s use a house for an example here. Most people are going to buy one. This isn’t a conversation of should you or shouldn’t you. I don’t think you should, but that’s not my focus today. Let’s assume you are going to.

For the average person, they save aimlessly without a real target or point. Saving is good and it is smart and they want to do the good and smart thing so they save money. Where? Usually a bank. If they’re really ambitious, maybe a money market.

So they save and save and save and save. They’re also slowly starting to improve the conditions in their life. They got a better job. They got a new car. They have some friends that they can afford to go out with. Maybe they have a partner now. On the list of upgrades that a person can make to their life, the next big one they can think of it buying a house.

So they go online just to see what it looks like. Kind of what they figured…$200-$300,000. They don’t have that kind of money lying around. But that’s what mortgages are for right? And they remember their realtor friend saying there is a loan that only requires 3% down to buy a house. That’s $9,000 which is doable. Now it’s a real idea!

So after the process of house hunting and loan qualifying, they are ready to go. $9000 goes down on the mortgage and they are in! The house is nice. They are happy. The only downside is this: this person no longer has $9000 and not only that but if they will never see the potential future earning the power of that $9000.

Think of it like this. Let’s say that a person was earning 1% a year on their $9000 in their money market. Well if they’d have left their $9000 in the money market, in 30 years (when the mortgage is paid off), the $9,000 would be $12,147. They lost out on $3147 in earning power. And they are broke again on top of that. No money saved which means the future value of that $9000 including additional savings would be higher, allowing them to invest in larger things than they can now, and sooner.

Now, what if the 1% interest rate was actually 4%? Well at 4% they’d have $29,821. This person has now lost out on the future earnings of about $20,000.

6%? That would have grown to $54,203. $45,000 is nothing to turn your nose up at.

Can you see why this is important?

So the normal cycle saves money, withdraw the money from your savings, stop earning interest on it, spend it, and then never see it again.

What this equates to is financial setbacks. The person who had $9000 is now $9000 behind on their savings and must play catchup just to get back to where they started. This is a major reason why Americans never get ahead.

Not only that, but with the mortgage example, they got rid of the $9000, they aren’t earning on it, and they are also paying interest now too because of the debt that came with the purchase.

I want to propose a change to this cycle. What if it looked like this? Save money (in a Sacred Account), borrow against the money in your Sacred Account, keep earning interest on it, spend it, and then see the full future value of your money because it never stopped growing.

Let’s break that down and explain it a little more. You still save money. But you save it somewhere else. Are you familiar with the phrase “it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep?” Well, I say “it’s not what you keep, it’s where you keep it.” You save the money in a Sacred Account (life insurance) instead of a bank.

Why the Sacred Account? Well, the Sacred Account pays a 6-8% gross annual dividend, tax-free. And it allows you to borrow against your money so that you can use the value of your money, but your actual money still grows in the account like it never left. Because technically it didn’t.

So you earn more than your bank. You grow tax-free, unlike your bank. And when you “withdraw” your money, they still keep paying you interest, unlike your bank. That’s why we put it here instead of the bank.

You save. Just like you would with your bank. It’s boring, but hey you are getting more growth than you would on the money you’re saving anyways.

When it comes time to make your purchase, you borrow against your account. This means that instead of pulling your $9,000 out, you borrow $9,000 from the life insurance company (they have lots of money and loan it to policyholders). By borrowing against your $9,000 a few things will happen.

#1 You will pay interest. Usually 5-6%.

#2 You will keep earning your dividends because your money technically never left the account.

#3 You can spend the money just like you would when you take it out of your bank. There are no restrictions.

You tracking so far?

Alright so now you spend the $9000 on your house. Just like you would have without the Sacred Account involved.

But the difference is, you still have your actual $9000 growing in your account and earning dividends. This means that your money will earn uninterrupted compounding interest instead of interrupting your growth like you do when you withdraw money from your bank.

So if you’re earning a 6% dividend on your $9000, at the end of 30 years you have your house that you bought 30 years ago (at this point it’s probably paid off). And you also have $54,203 in your account. Because your $9000 continued earning interest like you never pulled it out.

This is why it is such an advantage to make your large purchases with your Sacred Account.

Yes, it’s true, I prefer you use it only for investing in things that cash flow, but let’s face it. Most people are going to make larges purchases for things like cars and homes anyways and this is a better way to do it.

So your option is to save money up. Spend it. Lose all the future earnings on it. And never see it again.

Or you can save money up. Spend it. Keep all your future earnings and see that money and the future value of it continuing to earn.

If you’re reading this and it makes some sense and you’d like to learn more still, I want to invite you to click here.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

CEO & Founder of Wealth DynamX

Jerry Fetta helps his clients gain more financial knowledge, make more money, keep more of it, and multiply what they keep.

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