How to make an Immediate Load Temp
What can be more satisfying in dentistry than extracting a tooth that was non restorable and then providing an immediate solution for your patient with a temporary they can wear right away. Now that’s immediate gratification!
I’ll be honest though, in my practice, my favorite is to deliver a removable temporary and call it a day. Why? Well, what I love even more than immediate gratification is not getting emergency calls LOL.
That said, if you pick your cases properly, immediate loading can actually be very predictable and can help you get better tissue contours in the end.
Whatever practice philosophy you choose, I am going to show you a super cool technique you can use for immediate loading.
First, I make a putty matrix of the facials of the existing dentition. This technique will only work if the coronal portion of the tooth is intact.
Then, after you extract the tooth and place the implant, place an engaging titanium temporary abutment on the implant. (Yes you can also use a PEEK abutment)
By putting the temp abutment on, you can double check your angulation.
It is invariably too long for the adjacent teeth so you’ll have to cut the cylinder. I like to use a diamond disk to cut it.
(A different technique would involve just injecting temp material into a vacuform matrix at this point, but we are doing it a cooler way here.)
Next, take the tooth that you extracted and cut off the root and hollow out the lingual portion of the crown.
Next, you’ll place the remaining part of that tooth into the putty matrix. You’ll be using this to help you position the tooth onto the arch.
I like to apply a little bit of opaquer to the titanium cylinder at this point. A little bit goes a long way!
Then, put the tooth + putty back onto the arch and this putty will hold it in place while you apply flowable composite to join the tooth shell and the titanium cylinder.
Then, go ahead and unscrew the cylinder which is now joined to the tooth shell and fill in the gaps and polish the heck out of it. Then it’s ready to deliver!
Alright guys & gals, that’s it for now!
Got an implant question?
Hit me up on my cell at 209-933-1817!
The Implant Ninja Ninjas
FYI: You might have to adjust just a little bit at the end to match up the incisal edges. But this tip can help you save time and get a beautiful result!