How to Make a Great First Impression at Interview / Trial in a School

How to Make a Great First Impression at Interview / Trial in a School

Good news you've made it to interview or trial at the School you want to work in! So how do you give yourself the best opportunity to get the job on the day?

It starts the night before... Preparation

  • Pack your bag not only with your personal items but with your DBS Certificate (the one on the update service) and with your Photo ID
  • Plan your journey - what time do you need to leave to arrive at least ten minutes before you are due in? Are there delays in the area - temporary traffic lights, diversions. If driving where are you parking - can you park on site? Is it in a safe streets zone with restricted access after 8am?
  • Have the number for the school and your agency contact to hand... just in case
  • Plan and layout what you are wearing to best present yourself (and make sure you don't stress when you realise your lucky shirt is in the wash!)
  • Take a final look at the school website - what's their ethos? their values? their culture?

So you make it to the school a good ten minutes ahead of time. Now comes the next part... Start as you mean to go on

  • Wipe those sweaty palms, put on your best smile and walk in the door!
  • Introduce yourself to the receptionist and advise who you are there to see
  • Remember treat others as you would want to be treated, friendly, polite etc

You get collected from reception and now is the time to shine... INTRODUCTION

  • Introduce yourself to the person greeting you, shake hands (firmly) if offered
  • As you walk to the classroom or office, make small talk, comment on the displays or how easy it was to find the school, how big it is - it shows you are observant and engaged.

The next bit is down to you. If it's a trial engage with the other educators/staff when possible as well as the students. Make sure you ask if unsure and use your initiative when you can, they want to know your capabilities.

If interviewed, keep your answers on point, if you feel yourself wandering with your answer pull yourself back by saying, 'I went off on a tangent there, did I answer everything for you or would you like further elaboration?" It gives you a chance to regroup.

At the end of the interview when they ask if you have any questions a good one to ask is how soon are you looking to make a decision, it again shows interest from you.

REMEMBER First Impression is everything. Be on time, be prepared and be someone they want to work with and can see themselves working with. You've got this!


