How to make gratitude a family practice & rewire your brain
Rachel Vecht ????
Empowering working parents to raise thriving children & work-life harmony | 20+ years nurturing family-friendly workplaces ???????? Mum of 4??Global Corporate Talks ?? 1:1 Coaching ?????? Online Courses ?? Consulting
??I truly can’t believe that we are already in December. ??
As an alternative to an advent calendar, every day in the run up to Christmas, I will be sharing a daily tip on LinkedIn to help your family thrive through the holiday season.
On the back of Thanksgiving in the US and the run up to the festive season, this is an opportune time to reflect on what to feel thankful for.
Scientific research has proven that gratitude literally has the power to rewire how your brain functions.
When you express gratitude, your hypothalamus (responsible for basic bodily functions like eating, sleeping and hormones) and your amygdala (responsible for emotions) light up. This then releases neurotransmitters that activate the reward centre of the brain to increase feelings of happiness and connection, reducing depression and stress.
Psychiatrist, Dan Siegel and one of my all-time favourite parenting authors states that:
“Just as people practice daily dental hygiene by brushing their teeth, gratitude and mindfulness is a form of brain hygiene - it cleans out and strengthens the synaptic connections in the brain.”
Here are some practical suggestions to embed gratitude in your daily family life.
Mental note
In your mind list 3 things you are grateful for. Try linking the time to do that with part of your everyday routine, such as brushing your teeth or stopping at a traffic light.
Gratitude jar
Each family member writes down on bits of paper all the things they are grateful for. You can scribe for younger children or get them to draw a picture. Open up the jar every week or when you or your children are feeling low.
At family meals in the evening or over weekends, go around the table and each share what you are grateful for.
Send a letter, email, digital message, post it note in their lunch box or on the bedroom door, expressing why you are grateful for someone in your family.
Mindfulness /Meditation
You need to stop and be fully present to appreciate the moment. Stop for 1 or 2 minutes collectively or individually - close your eyes, ground yourself (listen, smell, taste, touch) and reflect on what you are thankful for. No matter how challenging a situation is, there is always space to find gratitude in the little things you may take for granted.
Journal / diary
It is very powerful to write down your thoughts and privately express not only gratitude for others but also for yourself. Your thoughts are incredibly powerful and drive your own narrative, behaviour and actions.
Notice & acknowledge
Comment when you see something about a family member that you really appreciate. It could be as simple as saying “Thanks for helping me to put away the food shopping without be asked.”
You get more of what you pay attention to.
Appreciation photos
Take photos and print images of family members doing something you are grateful for. Add them to a gratitude scrapbook or gratitude wall.
“What would you be without….”
Play a game in the car or when you are walking in the street. What would you be without your house, your legs or an education etc?
Family Appreciation Day
Dedicate a day to appreciate each family member and go out of your way to do kind things for them.
Giving back and volunteering together to support people less fortunate than you, really helps to foster more gratitude and appreciation for what you have.
??It is not happy people who are grateful but grateful people who are happy.
Gratitude is very much a mindset or consistent habit that needs to be consciously cultivated and practiced.
Would love you to reach out and share what you feel grateful for?