How to make fair decisions!
Cogito - FCL - @1994.

How to make fair decisions!

No one individual is better than any other individual. Different, yes; better, NO!

Are we capable of rendering decisions that are fair, factual, balanced, and rational?? In my modest opinion, the simple answer is no, however, this is only my assessment, which is ?based on the informal, yet factual, ?analysis of our behaviors in the last decade.

  • Recently, we have been challenged by increasing ?disruptions to our humanity, due to the increased velocity of changes brought on by the many successes of technological advancements.
  • Yes, there are excellent and lifesaving/changing benefits in the unprecedented advancement of technology, however, if not tempered, there are also unintended pejorative consequences.

o?? Physics taught us that: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”

o?? History has tried to teach us: ”The first time a crisis occurs, it is a catastrophe…. However, if we allow the same crisis to reoccur, it is called a farce.”

  • Three decades ago, I developed for my own benefit and understanding, a simple theory to render fair decisions by visualized an equilateral triangle, where all 3 sides and angles are equal.
  • As a lifelong student of history, political science, and decision making, I attempted in a most modest way, to? help advocate for better decision making, based on balanced reviews of facts.
  • The intention is, or at least it was then, to make decisions that are fair, we should utilize three principal tools in an equal and balanced way: our minds, our hearts, and our instincts.
  • I developed my premise when we were at the very beginning of the commercially available internet, or ?“world-wide-web,” and well before the explosive growth and subsequent proliferation of “Social-Media,” or is it……I mean social. ?“Je ne se pas.”
  • One of the many consequences of the growth of social media sites, is unbridled misinformation, and theories which are not verified, supported by data or any empirical evidence, yielding statements and postings that are motivated by inflated egos, arrogance, self-aggrandizement, and the need to achieve the proverbial “15-minutes of fame”, (whatever that means).
  • The ultimate unintended consequence of the growth of technology, and social media sites, is the egotistical and arrogant statements/postings, that one individual is better than others.?

And there lies the disruptive problem of “Factionalism of society,” caused by too many egos and arrogance, and therefore not enough egalitarian and altruistic behavior.

Please try to respect others by not flaunting your perceived superiority over others. We are all equals. No one individual is better than any other individual. Different, yes; better, NO!

Gratefully, Francesco

(Just one of 8 billion individuals)

#internet #social media #society #Decision-making #facts #balanced decisions #individual #respect #equality #fairness #mind-heart-instincts #empathy #technology #consequences #learship #equity #same #altruism #human #thinking #cogito # fairdecisions


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