How to Make an Extra $1,800,000 Off AWS and One Phone Call
If you’re on AWS, Amazon makes money off of you hand over fist.?
And if you want to reduce your spend?
You only have three options:
Option one is always the best answer:
You can drop your monthly bill by 87% leaving AWS.
But sometimes, you can’t leave AWS.
Probably because you already fell for the Great Lie, and signed up for an EDP.
See, the EDP is Amazon’s Golden Handcuffs.
I’ve seen more people run into trouble with EDPs than almost anything else.
Here’s how the trap works:
Once you’re spending $500,000 or more with AWS you get assigned to an account manager.
They’re going to call you up and say, “Hi! I’m here to help you optimize your spend! By the way! We can give you access to this exclusive program called an EDP.”
Sign this contract, and commit to us for 3 years!
We’ll give you a 10% discount off your spend on AWS!”
Sounds amazing, right? A 10% discount across the board.
Here’s the problem: If you read the contract carefully, every EDP has one thing in common.
They all require you to sign up for Amazon’s tech support service.
That costs you 10% a month over your spend.
Your 10% discount just became a 1% discount.
PLUS: You have to commit to a 3 year growth target. So every quarter your AWS bill goes up 3-10%... whether you need it or not.
This is a terrible deal.?
Now you’re locked into spending at your current level, and steadily growing it. You signed the contract. So if growth slows down? If you need to pivot? You’re still under contract.
And you still have to pay for the expanded growth.
So besides leaving AWS - which, again, is the right answer - what else can you do?
The Reserved Instance is Amazon’s ONLY real discount program.
An RI is simple:
It’s a flat annual discount.
You prepay a year upfront. They give you a 30% discount.
And if you’re spending $1,000,000 a month? That’s a lot.
It immediately puts $3,600,000 a year back in your pocket.
That’s free cash flow to fund whatever you need.
Growth. Salaries. Marketing. Whatever. You just freed up a monumental chunk of cash.
And all you have to do to get it is give AWS $8,400,000 upfront.
Or …?
You can sneak in through the back door.
You can put $150,000 a month back in your pocket with
Here’s how:
The $1.8 Million Profit Boost Program
Amazon doesn’t care who uses an RI.
They just want to get paid.
If the check clears, you have a instance to do whatever you want with.
That one fact can put $1.8 million a year back in your pocket.
Because the stock market is risky. The return on bonds sucks.
And private equity firms need return and hate risk.
So instead of parking that money in treasuries, or rolling the dice on stocks, many of the billion dollar PE firms will put $50 million into an RI, then rent the space out to startups.
Startups like yours.
The deal is simple:
They charge you 50% of the savings. You pay as you go, for what you use.
If you were spending $1 million a month before, that puts $1.8 million a year back in your pocket. The PE firm makes a safe 15% a year on their money.
Simple. Easy. Everyone wins.
Sound like a good deal to you? Drop me a line.
I’ve got multiple partners with Reserved Instances already set up.
I’ve got clients saving millions of dollars a year doing this.
And I can get it set up for you.
In one phone call.
- Max
Max Clark
(214) 974-5030
I Make You More Money With Tech
This is brilliant, Max!