How to make diamonds out of rocks?
I’ve recently heard Solange Charas stating that “under pressure, some rocks become diamonds and others become dust” and this kept echoing in my head.
The uncertainty, volatility, complexity and brittleness that characterize the world affect people in a significant way and many are not equipped to deal with the pressure the present and the future may offer.
Although stress is a normal reaction of the organism and is good in certain doses as it contributes to motivating us, keeping us alert and helping us to concentrate, people are experiencing too much stress, and many are not able to deal proactively with it.
Optimal stress impacts positively performance. But, and but is the killing word, too much stress can be toxic and dangerous leading to lack of focus, overwhelm and burnout.
Recently, a study by Sonja Sudimac’s team showed that one hour walk in nature has a clear effect on our brain increasing our ability to deal with stressful tasks as it reduced the amygdala activity and equipped the tested guys to face stress and deal with it effectively.
I like to think about one hour walk in nature as a stress antidote that we can take to help us to manage day-to-day stress effectively and protect our mental health.
This brings me to my own story...
A few years ago, I joined a Walking Mentorship program that seemed the perfect concoction between walking, nature and mentoring, three things I love. To be honest, it looked too good to be true...
I’ve done several programs with Walking Mentorship, and they were transformational. From the first back in 2018 when I went to Santiago the Compostela with an amazing group of people and fell in love with a magic forest, I made the commitment with myself to walk at least one hour every day. I’m loyal to my action plan and my favourite walks continue to be under the trees in any forest and or in the park close by. Throughout my life, I was often called a “solid rock” and I noticed that more recently I’ve been called repeatedly a “diamond”.
A year ago, I offered myself the possibility to follow my northern star, dedicating quality time to do what I love the most, including co-learning, co-creating, walking in nature and contributing positively through mentoring, coaching and volunteering work. I’m delighted with what I experience and learn every day throughout this dynamic journey with a diversity of people.
Do you imagine the impact of walking in nature side by side with a mentor in perfect conditions to decelerate, connect, question, co-learn and co-create, further shaping the diamonds in us?
Do you envision the ripple effect of inviting your team for a mentoring program walking in nature? Look at One day with your team...
P.S.* The picture portrayed on the article's cover was taken by Jo?o Perre Viana in April last year during one of our immersive programs on the Camino de Santiago. This is one of my favourite parts of the road. On that day it was pouring and I "danced in the rain" which triggered this story.
We are very grateful for the "road". The last couple of months gave us the opportunity to deliver a variety of mentoring programs to an incredible group of people.?Click on the images to watch the videos.
Check the?dates?and places available, and don't hesitate to book an introductory call if you need further explanations.
Walking Mentorship is a labour of love that helps you gain deeper insight and equips you to create a meaningful impact on your life and those around you.?How can we work together??We keep things simple by offering?Group,?Individual?and?Corporate?programs. Check the best fit for you. Until then keep walking with me,