How to make custom stage curtains

How to make custom stage curtains

Stage curtains are required to add style, colour, and function to any theater or auditorium. Usually, stage curtains are made from heavy material to block lighting, and also to muffle sounds when a stage is being set for a performance. Besides creating an element of mystery among spectators, stage curtains also look very attractive whenever opened/closed in the beginning and after ending of the act.  

Although there are many drapery companies to design best possible stage curtains, as per requirement. But one must also be aware of all the things that are needed to make a stage curtain. Keep reading to know the essentials to make custom stage curtains. 

Things needed: 

  • Measuring tape
  • Fabric
  • Lining fabric, if desired
  • Nylon webbing
  • Snap hooks
  • Sewing machine and other tools needed for sewing

 Select the Material 

As mentioned before, a dark-coloured material with thick, velvet-like feel is preferred for drapes. This is because this type of material hides the backstage movements and lighting from the audience, before presenting the actual act.  

The most cost-effective material for stage curtains is cotton, however, it needs to be lined as it can be see-through and not quite heavy to deaden the backstage sound. On the other hand, ornate silk brocade is a bit expensive, but this one is a heavy material without any drawbacks that cotton has.  

Even velvet and homemade crush velour drapes make good options for heavy stage curtains. The good thing about velour drapes is that it can help to muffle the sound, and also has the ability to match with any theatrical decor.  

Measure the Material 

Now before buying the material, measure both the drop and the span of the stage area. As the curtains are attached to curtain rails, so the drop should be measured from this rail to the stage. Furthermore, add about 8 inches to the hem and pleating stitching. Even for the span, at least double width of the material is needed, so measurements must be taken according to that.

How to Sew Stage Curtains

 The panels of the fabric must be stitched together to create the desired width for stage curtains. After that, hem the bottom with a 6-inch hem and both sides with 2-inch hems. The pleats can be marked using pins or a fabric marker. Press and pin the pleats into place, while hiding the joining seams in the pleating, and then stitch your pleats into place.

 A 2-inch hem is required for the top of the stage curtain. It can be reinforced by securely sewing nylon webbing along the full width of the curtain. Once all the sewing work is done, attach desired tiebacks and snap clips to hand the stage curtains on the stage.

 For more details and information on stage curtains and other stage essentials, visit Stage Curtains.







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