How to Make Concrete Paving Blocks
Being Factory of machines for block and paving block, i want to share with all friends about some information that how to make concrete paving blocks.
- Introduction
Concrete block paving is versatile, aesthetically attrac-tive, functional, cost effective and requires little or no maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid. Most concrete block paving constructed in South Africa has performed satisfactorily but there are two main areas of concern: occasional failure due to excessive surface wear, and variability in the strength of blocks.
This technical note covers basic principles and aims to assist manufacturers, particularly new manufacturers, to produce a durable and consistent product.
It discusses: requirements for blocks; selection of materials; materials for manufacture; manufacturing equipment; propor-tioning of ingredients; manufacture; and quality control.
Scope is limited to blocks with a relatively small top surface area, ie about 50 blocks per square metre of paving. Flag-stones are therefore not discussed.
- Requirements for concrete paving blocks
2.1 Properties
- Blocks should meet structural requirements for paving (specified in terms of block compressive strength).
- Blocks should be durable: they should be able to withstand abrasion, impact and chemical attack.
- Blocks should be of uniform dimensions to facilitate correct and easy placing and ensure good rideability.
- In some applications concrete blocks are required to be aesthetically attractive.
2.2 Specification requirements
The current specification giving the requirements for concrete paving blocks is SABS 1058:2002 Concrete paving blocks which is referred to in SABS 1200 MJ:1984 Standard specification for civil engineering construction: segmented paving. The specification requires that the pavers comply with certain tolerances, and have a compressive strength of 25 MPa, for lightly trafficked situations, or 35 MPa, for more severe conditions or where a wheel load greater than 30 kN is encountered. In recent years there has been a trend in Europe, America and elsewhere to also, or alternatively, specify a flexural or tensile splitting strength requirement. It is increasingly being recognized that some form of abrasion resistance test is also required.
Tests have shown that 25-MPa blocks are structurally ade-quate. Experience indicates however that strength levels should be increased to ensure a higher probability of durability.
Block thickness is specified according to traffic and SABS 1200 MJ specifies standard thicknesses of 50, 60, 80, 100 and 120-mm. It is not normally economical to manufacture the last two sizes.
to be continued
My factory named Shandong Shengya Machinery Co., Ltd has 21 years history in manufacturing models of block machine for concrete block and concrete paving block. any needs, please contact with Robin +15725794561 (whatsapp) and [email protected]