How to make a come back in your career after a long break?

How to make a come back in your career after a long break?

Tips I followed to get back to work after the long break:


I started with upskilling myself with a DM course from Digital Scholar. It gives me the confidence to write content, stay updated with market trends, and started doing better in my influencing journey on IG. Have started working freelancing.


But here the thing was how to give speed to the career that I left behind after a few stages in my life (Marriage, Maternity, and a few other things). I always wanted to continue but things weren't in my favor.


I inculcated the following things to make a comeback.

  1. Coming out of my comfort zone and started prioritizing.
  2. Apply my skills to get a new narrative of my career.
  3. Started avoiding judgments and focusing on my goal.
  4. I find my tribe with whom I can discuss opportunities and fear /weaknesses I had.

5. No matter what I am going through mentally. The show must go on. Because I have already stopped for a few important things in my life and a few things over which I was not having control.

6. Doing things that give me happiness: Writing, Influencing, Dressing, etc.

7. With Some Me time of course

I hope it helps if you are on a career break and want to come out of it. It was not easy to come out of the zone but not that tough if determined. Yes, I am still vulnerable but I will find a way. I won't stop.

Share your experience if you have taken any break because of any reason and how did you start?


