How To Make the Collective Impact Model Work: 5 Practical Tips for Successful Collaboration

How To Make the Collective Impact Model Work: 5 Practical Tips for Successful Collaboration

Nonprofit leaders are increasingly looking to participate in strategic alliances as a way of broadening the reach of their impact. But for collaborative work to be effective, it takes the right kind of engagement between partners. Here are some practical tips on what makes for successful collective impact work:

Tip No. 1: Successful collaboration takes a coalition of the willing.  You have to find people that you resonate with on a mission level and on a personal level.  More than that, it takes the right timing—the right “alignment of the stars.” Organizations need to be ready for collaboration; leaders need to understand their organization’s parameters for engaging, determine if the collaboration can provide them with value, and evaluate the chance of successful execution.

Tip No. 2: Be prepared to invest the time and resources. Successful collaborations are often years in the making, requiring constant dedication on the part of those involved. The continuous communication cannot be stressed enough. Organizations need to be aware of this investment and have the resources available to see it through for a number of years.

Tip No. 3: Do the preliminary research. Before engaging in collaborative work, it’s essential first to map what’s currently going on in the field before jumping in. By identifying the opportunities, relationships, and gaps that exist, collaborators can become more cognizant about work going on in the area. For instance, there may already be collaborative work happening that they can become a part of, or there may be an opportunity to invite in good partners. By including other voices in the conversation and doing their due diligence, leaders can better understand what’s needed and how to execute a solution.

Tip No. 4: Talk to institutional funders. Funders have a different perspective on work happening in the field and it’s important to bring them into the conversation early to gain their insight. By informing them of the issues that are becoming apparent at the mission level and your intention to address these issues, they can point you in the direction of other grantees and funders focused on the same problems. It also alerts them to the fact that you’re willing to step out, collaborate and be more innovative.

Tip No. 5: Embrace emerging challenges and opportunities. Successful collective impact initiatives work when those involved embrace creating solutions together. Rather than coming to the table with a set of rigidly defined goals, valuable partners are willing to redefine problems, shift approaches, and work together to create better solutions. That’s not to say that disagreements won’t happen because they will, but finding a way through these challenges is what makes collaboration so rewarding. 

There’s no one set formula for engaging in successful collective impact work. Every strategic alliance is different and each one will face its own set of unique stumbling blocks. The collaboratives that succeed recognize this; they embrace the challenging conversations, are open to new ways of thinking and put in the long-term dedication it takes to see collective impact work thrive.


About Mona Jones-Romansic

As Senior Consulting Director at Olive Grove, Mona is known as highly intuitive and insightful with a systems-focused approach that surfaces the fundamental obstacles facing her clients rather than simply addressing symptomatic issues. Her facilitation style creates a safe space for her clients to reflect, turn towards challenges honestly and openly, and leverage their unrealized strengths for greater impact.


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