How to Make ChatGPT Undetectable: 10 Top Tips

How to Make ChatGPT Undetectable: 10 Top Tips

Want to make ChatGPT undetectable and avoid AI detection? It's possible with the right techniques. Discover the 10 effective methods in our comprehensive guide.

How to Make ChatGPT Undetectable: 10 Top Tips

ChatGPT has changed the world since it was introduced just a couple of years ago. It’s transformed so many aspects of modern life, being used by millions of people around the world, and its influence is particularly vast in the field of content creation.

Indeed, nowadays, when someone wants to write a blog, essay, article, or any other piece of content, they can ask ChatGPT for help and get their content generated in the blink of an eye. It’s so fast, easy, and convenient, there’s never been anything else quite like it.

However, ChatGPT can be detected by AI scanners, such as GPTZero and Originality, which are being used with increasing regularity to spot and avoid unwanted AI usage.

Fortunately, there are ways you can make ChatGPT undetectable and still enjoy the advantages of AI content without the risk of penalties and punishments. Let’s take a look at 10 ways to make ChatGPT text undetectable, and how we put each to the test to check its effectiveness.


If you prefer to skip straight to the results and see how these 10 methods actually work, here’s all you need. The tables below show the AI detection results on text that we generated with ChatGPT and then adjusted in various ways. You can quickly scan through them to see each method used and get a rough idea of how well it works.

ChatGPT-generated Content

Results of Topic 1

Results of Topic 2

Based on these results, we can see that the methods had varying levels of success. Some of them were able to significantly improve the AI detection results, but others had only minimal impact.

By far the best method we tested was the first one – using an AI humanizer called BypassGPT to humanize ChatGPT text and make it undetectable. Ranking as the best undetectable AI writing tool around, BypassGPT was able to beat both GPTZero and Originality at every attempt.

Next, let’s dig in a little deeper, exploring each of the methods seen in the table above in greater detail, helping you see how and why they work to make ChatGPT undetectable.

The Best Method for Making ChatGPT Text Undetectable

Let’s start with the No. 1 method for taking ChatGPT text and making it undetectable by even the best AI detectors, like GPTZero and Originality.AI . And it is to use an AI humanizer, BypassGPT , to bypass AI detection and humanize the AI-generated text on your behalf.?

Boasting industry-leading humanization capacities, BypassGPT is able to take AI text and make it undetectable by any AI detector, like , GPTZero, and Turnitin, in seconds. It also does all of its humanization without any kind of plagiarism, so you can be sure that the content you get is 100% fresh and original.

BypassGPT is capable of handling texts of any level and on any topic, from casual blog posts to PhD theses. What’s more, it even improves the readability and quality of the text, making it more agreeable to read through and more engaging for your prospective audience.

Does BypassGPT Actually Work?

It’s clear that there’s a lot of good things we can say about BypassGPT based on its technology and reputation. But is it actually a reliable and proven tool for those who want to make ChatGPT undetectable?

Well, let’s find out! To do so, we need to test BypassGPT. To do that, we have to let it humanize two ChatGPT texts we generated. The first topic covered was “technological advances and social development”.

The second topic explored the idea of protections around intellectual properties.

To start off, we need to take these two tests and run them through two separate AI detectors - GPTZero and Originality.AI - to see what our “baseline” scores are for future comparison. Here are the results:Now, we’ll use BypassGPT to humanize the texts. Let’s start with topic 1.

And topic 2:

Now let’s see how those new and improved pieces of content perform against AI detection:Wow. That’s about as impressive as it can get. BypassGPT was able to get a perfect score of 0% AI with GPTZero on both of the topics covered, and a near-perfect 99% Original rating on Originality.AI for both topics, too. This shows it’s an efficient, reliable, and powerful way to make ChatGPT undetectable.

Additional Methods for Making ChatGPT Text Undetectable

Using a humanization tool like BypassGPT is clearly an effective way to make ChatGPT undetectable. But it’s not the only way. There are several alternative methods you can try. Let’s look at nine examples and test each one to see how well it works.

Ask ChatGPT to Be More Natural

A lot of ChatGPT users tend to use the most basic prompts possible. They’ll open up ChatGPT and type in “Write an article about X” or “Give me 1000 words about Y”. Those prompts are too basic, resulting in the kind of robotic, bland text that AI detectors can easily spot.

By using more detailed, alternative prompts and asking ChatGPT to be more natural and fluid in its writing style, you can have different output text, which may be much harder to detect as AI.??

Here, we’ll put that method in practice, asking ChatGPT to write something using very detailed prompts with lots of precise instructions about what the final text should have and how it should be sound.

Here’s the same process applied to the second topic:

Now, let’s see the results.Unfortunately, even though ChatGPT produced different content which feels a little more readable and interesting, it didn’t have any notable impact on the AI scores. Both Originality and GPTZero successfully spotted that the text was AI, so you may need to play around and experiment with multiple prompts to get results this way.

Use a Paraphraser or Rewriter Like QuillBot

Another option you can try to make ChatGPT-generated content undetectable is to use a paraphrasing tool, like Quillbot. Quillbot basically rewrites parts of your text, changing some of the words and their orders to make it look different than the original, which may sometimes lead to better AI scan results.

To see how well it works, we ran our ChatGPT content through QuillNot. Here’s the first sample:

And the second:

Next, we ran the text through our chosen AI detectors.

Based on these results, we can’t really say that QuillBot is much use for bypassing detection or humanizing ChatGPT. As you can see, the texts were still very highly rated as AI, even as high as 100% on Originality for both samples. This shows that simply replacing some words with synonyms isn’t quite enough to make ChatGPT truly undetectable.

Using Slangs and Idioms

AI doesn’t tend to use slang terms or idioms in its writing – those features are, however, quite common in human writing. So, a possible way you can make a ChatGPT text undetectable may be by adding in some slang phrases and idioms into the mix.

Let’s see how well this works, by adding slang and idioms to our ChatGPT samples.

Next, we have to run the samples through the scanners once more.

The results here are pretty mixed. GPTZero found that the first topic was just 10% AI once we mixed in some slang words, which is a huge difference from the original result. However, the second one got a high AI score on GPTZero, and Originality still suggested that both texts were 100% AI. This shows that this method may work in some cases, but isn’t the most effective.

Include Emotional Language

One of the criticisms that’s often leveled at AI content is that it lacks emotion. People say it sounds too robotic or scientific, focusing purely on data and facts without any emotive language to trigger a response in the reader. Human writing, meanwhile, is more expressive and emotive, and you may be able to make ChatGPT undetectable by focusing on making it more emotional too.

We tested that theory. Here is our revised version of the first topic.

This is the revised version of the second topic.

Let’s see the AI detection results:Unfortunately, this method didn’t quite work as expected. Originality once again identified both texts as 100%, and GPTZero gave very high AI scores to these two results. So, you can’t count on this method if you want to make ChatGPT text undetectable. It might have an impact, but only a small one.

Minimize Repetition

A lot of AI language models, including ChatGPT, have a problem with repetition. They reuse the same words and even repeat the same points multiple times in subsequent sentences and paragraphs. AI detectors are therefore programmed to look out for repetition and can easily spot when something is made by AI if it repeats itself too much.

By minimizing repeated words, sentence structures, and ideas, you can minimize the odds of your ChatGPT text being flagged as AI.

Let’s test this out, by “fixing” our original ChatGPT work and removing all obvious signs of repetition.

Next, let’s check the results.

From the results, we see once again that this method isn’t as effective as we thought. It has a tiny bit of an impact, with slightly lower AI scores on some of the detection results. However, all of the content is still deemed to be majorly written by AI by both GPTZero and Originality.AI , so this method can’t be relied on.

Add Variety

We’ve already spoken about how AI content tends to be a little repetitive and lacking in diversity. That’s why so many blog posts and articles online these days seem to feel the same, as a lot of them are made by the same AI bots using the same prompts. It also makes the job of AI detectors easy, as they can just look for the usual patterns and lack of variety to easily flag AI content.

So, you could try to mix things up a little and “surprise” the AI detectors with more diverse language, sentence structures, and layouts of your text. There are two ways to do this: either ask ChatGPT to do it for you, or do it manually, making changes yourself to create a more varied piece of content.

We went with the manual method, mixing up the two pieces of text as follows:

And here are the results.

The results here are mixed. The first topic rewrite was unsuccessful, still ranking super high on both tools as an AI text. However, the second topic had a bit more success, with much lower scores. It’s still far from perfect, but this shows that a bit of rewriting and extra variety can be enough to at least partially fool the detectors.

PoV (Point of View) Rewriting

Another possibility for humanizing ChatGPT’s writing is to ask it to write from a specific point of view (PoV). For example, you could say to ChatGPT “Write an essay about school life from the perspective of a straight-A student” or “Write a first-person marketing blog in the style of a successful marketing professional.”?

These kinds of prompts often produce more detailed and interesting ChatGPT content, which could have a chance to bypass AI detection. You can alternatively go through your AI text manually and add in some personal anecdotes or PoV writing to make the text feel more human.

Let’s see how well this works by adding a specific PoV to our two samples.

Here’s the same process applied to the second topic:

Now, let’s see how well these topics perform in the AI detectors.Again, it’s a mixed result here. The first topic didn’t do too well, but the second had much better scores, even being rated as more human than AI by GPTZero. This shows that this method can help you get good results, when used correctly, but it might not be enough for a flawless 100% human score.

Add Perplexity

“Perplexity” is one of the key aspects of language that separates human content from AI content, and it’s one of the most crucial metrics that AI detectors look for. It basically determines how complex your text is, and the lower the perplexity levels, the easier it is for AI detectors to spot when ChatGPT has been used.

If you can increase the perplexity of your text, you’ll have a much better chance of avoiding detection. The easiest way to do this is to adjust your ChatGPT prompts and ask the tool to write “with a high degree of perplexity”.

We tried that with our text, and here are the results:

Now let’s see how the two texts cope in AI scans.

The results show that extra perplexity definitely can have an impact. It reduced the AI scores for both topics on GPTZero to some degree. However, the difference isn’t huge and the scores are still pretty bad. Plus, the Originality scores weren’t any different, still at the highest possible rating of 100% AI. So, this method is unlikely to lead you to success.

Intentional Errors

This is the last method on our list, and there’s a reason for that. It’s not a recommendable method and it has little value, in our view. However, by inserting purposeful mistakes in your work, you may be able to fool some AI detectors. This is because AI doesn’t make typos or grammatical mistakes, since it’s programmed to be accurate and correct. So, if you put mistakes in your work, it looks more like it was written by a real person.

There are obvious downsides to this: it makes your work look less professional and it also negatively impacts readability.

Still, for the purposes of this guide, we’ll show you how it works. Here’s our first text with some mistakes mixed in.

And here is the second one:

Let’s see the AI detectors results.

Once again, Originality isn’t fooled. It gives the 100% AI score to both texts. However, the results for GPTZero are much more interesting, with a score as low as just 4% for the second topic. This shows that intended errors can indeed help you trick some AI detectors, but not all of them.

Reasons to Make ChatGPT-Generated Content Undetectable

So, if you’ve been wondering about how to make ChatGPT content undetectable, you now know how it’s done. But you might still wonder why you’d actually want to do this. What is the value or benefit from taking ChatGPT text and making it more human? Well, there are numerous advantages, and here are just a few:

For Students

A lot of students use AI tools like ChatGPT to help out with homework, essays, and assignments. Indeed, many schools nowadays use AI detectors to check and see whether or not students have been using AI in their work. By humanizing your content, you can avoid any possible penalties related to AI usage. We won’t dig into the morality of that, but we will recommend you don't try to humanize your AI text for unethical purposes.

For Businesses

In the world of business, too, AI usage is on the rise. Many companies are using AI tools like ChatGPT to help them write everything from website blog posts to product descriptions and even emails or reports to their clients and colleagues. Obviously, it can look bad if you are found using AI tools to make content, and your content recipients may feel less valued if they see that it wasn't a real human to write to them. Humanizing your content helps to avoid any issues.


There’s a big debate ongoing right now about Google’s attitude to AI content. This much is clear: Google values content that is fresh, useful, and original, and it doesn’t like content that seems spammy AI-generated content. A lot of AI writing falls into the second category, so performs poorly in SEO. Humanizing your texts and making them fresher and more original can therefore help you boost your site up in the Google search results.

Enjoy All the Benefits of ChatGPT with None of the Risks

By making ChatGPT undetectable, you get to enjoy all the benefits, with none of the risks. You can enjoy speedy, convenient, versatile AI content creation, without having to worry about penalties and punishments from being flagged as AI. It’s the perfect option for everyone, from students to businesses and bloggers who want to extract maximum value from AI technology.?

And when it comes to making ChatGPT undetectable, BypassGPT is clearly the best method, with the most impressive results. Try it out today and see how well it works for you.

Tony Rajan Mathew, PhD

Senior Consultant, Infrastructure Information Management, KIIFB

4 个月

Thanks for sharing

Ashu Singh

Student at Mumbai University Mumbai

4 个月


Charles Breakfield, MBA

Chief Technology Officer at Enigma Partnership LLC & Author

4 个月

Thank you Parul.

Aakash Belide

Building AI Agents and Workflows | AI, Data Engineering and Tech | Master of Science in Information Systems at Northeastern University | Ex-Data Science Engineer @Bajaj Finserv

4 个月

Impressive insights Parul Gautam

Akash Singh

Marketing Student at GLBIMR | Aspiring Digital Marketer | Passionate About SEO, Social Media, and Data-Driven Strategies | Ex intern at Upnyx, Kshitiksha Foundation and MythyaVerse.

4 个月

Useful tips



