How To Make A Change
I recently interviewed Jo-Ann Rolle on my podcast. We discussed everything from education to work to the rise of a new player in geopolitics... Africa.
The Way Of The Superior Student:
Jo-Ann is a firm believer in collaboration and challenges. Her experience as a dean and educator showed her that the only way children can become better at ANYTHING ( yes, you can learn anything ) was to first, get challenged by someone superior to them and second, form a team and collaborate.
Let me tell you a story JoAnne shared with me:
She took one of her classes to Nairobi, Kenya where they competed against the more innovative Kenyan students that had the upper hand in all class activities at the beginning.
Jo-Ann was intrigued, her students too. The Kenyans were not genetically gifted, but they were doing better in all projects, so in order to have a chance, Jo-Ann formed teams within her class and promoted collaborations.
Lo and behold, the results got even, promoting even more creativity in both camps.
What's the lesson? Limitations and challenges promote creative thinking and can solve any problem.
Africa Rising
Wait a minute, aren't people from Africa generally poor?
First off, no, Africa is a pretty rich continent.
Second of all, yes! But not for long. The ever growing young population continues to innovate on any possible field out there, causing positive disruptions around the globe in energy, tech, infrastructure etc. and making the world know that Africa will not stay low for long.
Link To The Full Interview: