How to Make Big Decisions
Elena Aguilar
Teaching coaches, leaders, and facilitators how to transform their schools | Founder and CEO of Bright Morning Consulting
There is so much happening in our world that is occupying my heart and mind. I'm gathering my reflections and will share more with you in the Monday newsletter. For today I wanted to share with you how I'm thinking through making some of the big decisions I'm needing to make in the hopes it might help you do the same.
When you have a decision to make, get clear on your priorities. Ask yourself: What matters most? It’s possible that you’ll have competing commitments and you’ll find it hard to get clear on what matters most. That’s usually why it’s hard to make decisions.
These questions can help you get clearer:
- What’s the worst that could happen? If the worst happens, then what would happen?
- What would it mean about me if the worst happens? What are my fears about what others would think about me?
- If I make this decision and things work out, then in ten years, what would I tell myself if I could travel back in time to this point now?
- What’s holding me back? What percentage of what’s holding me back is fear? (If fear is more than 50%, then that’s critical information. And probably, it means that you should do whatever you’re afraid of doing.)
When older adults reflect on their lives, they tend to have more regrets over things that they didn’t do than regrets about things they did do. This might be the most uncertain time we’ve ever lived through, personally and collectively, and it might be a prime and powerful time for making big changes. Not reckless, dangerous changes and not changes that would have harmful consequences on others--but changes that might open us to more joy, satisfaction, fulfillment and love.