How To Make Better & Faster Decisions
The Truth About Being In Business
The biggest challenge most entrepreneurs have is that they’re trying to make all the decisions by themselves.
Or worse, they read books, they go to seminars, and they try to make business decisions based on the few things they learn at events.
And I can tell you all about the challenges I've faced as an entrepreneur doing this, but I can also tell you from the perspective of a speaker.
Meaning from the standpoint of the person on stage, having dinner, and knowing many of the other people who are speaking from stage.
I know that the great majority of speakers are not as blunt as I am or as willing to share what’s REALLY working in business.
Or they only share the "sunshine and rainbows", just like when you're reading a book, you only hear the good stuff…because that’s what sells books.
But when you're in business, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. You're going to hit obstacles, sometimes every day!
So when you’re alone in business, most of the time you're trying to make decisions thinking that everything is supposed to be sunshine and rainbows, so you don't have the tools (or the capacity) to make decisions to get through the obstacles every single day.
And you get frustrated and anxious, which creates bad decisions.
The solution...
The reason some people in business grow so much faster and smoother than most anybody else… is because they surround themselves with a handful of amazingly intelligent people, people who have already accomplished what they want to accomplish.
And I’m not talking about the friends you go out drinking with at seminars, or the networking group you joined, which so far hasn’t gotten any growth from it.
I'm talking about finding, and possibly paying, a mentor who has been there, done that.
Or putting together a board of advisors of people who have already been there and done that.
Or maybe even just arranging dinner once a month (or once a quarter) with a couple of people who are significantly ahead of you in business and willing to share their experience, their relationships, and all the personal things that go into building a company, like staying sane, happy, and fulfilled through it all.
Everybody Needs A Mentor
More than 12 years ago, I put together a small group of businesses that I could personally help grow, and that group is called Club 28 (because I can fit 28 businesses into my schedule to help them grow).
And I dedicate one day every week away from my companies just to help these other companies grow.
Because everybody needs a mentor… somebody who has been there and understands how to help them break through all the obstacles that pop up and slow everybody else down.
I've had mentors in my life since I was a teenager, and there's absolutely no way I could've achieved half of what I have without being able to plug into other people, who have achieved what I wanted to achieve along the way.
Because it doesn't make a difference what level you're at in business, there are people who have been where you are and who have experience and relationships that could shave years off of your efforts.
So, who do you know who’s already achieved what you want to achieve?
If you want to shortcut your success curve, commit to sending that person an email or a text, calling them and taking them out to dinner, or scheduling a time to talk with them on the phone.
Because the fastest way to grow is not to learn something new but rather to simply ask the right person for a little help, and then when it's your turn to be a mentor, you get a chance to help others.