Alecia Repp
Executive Coach ?? Rebel On The Rise ?? Mindset ?? Build a Disruptive 1-of-a-kind Brand
In this article you'll discover how to have a BLAST while spending the ENTIRE day / night AT HOME from a savvy homebody who’s been practising for this for YEARS.
Quarantine is the best way to SLOW THIS VIRUS DOWN.
That means staying home for a duration of time.
The SOONER we do this, the sooner we can slow this thing down and even STOP IT.
Let’s do our part and be RESPONSIBLE EARTHLINGS.
Here are my tips for making the most out of staying home all day / night, especially if you are NOT USED TO DOING THIS (aka you are used to leaving your home for most hours of the day to go to work etc).
This is something I’ve TAUGHT myself over the last few years.
Hope this helps ease your time spent at home and turns it into a really beautiful self discovery and soul nourishing time…
>> Your day will still have PHASES.
Think about your morning routine.
What have you ALWAYS dreamed of doing at home in the morning, which you could never do before because you had to leave for the rat race?
That thing you never have the luxury to do.
Maybe that’s sit and actually savour your warm cuppa, or reading a book, or sleeping in, or dancing at sunrise to hip hop.
Whatever it is.
We usually wake up early and spend the first few hours of the day in between worlds.
Journaling, writing, self reflection, meditation, visualization, waking up the body SLOWLY (I know it’ll be a luxury for most).
I’ll do some form of workout or yoga in this time too.
You can find great free workout/yoga videos on youtube.
For yoga I recommend Kino Macgregor and for HIIT workouts I recommend Pamela Reif.
They both have beginner to advanced videos which I love! Just search their names in YouTube.
If you’re spending the entire day at home -
your morning rituals can technically last around 3-5 hours if you wake up with the sun.
Slow, beautiful, inward hours of getting ready for the day and expanding your energy.
That would be the first phase of the day.
>> Next comes the time when the world is awake.
I personally don’t eat breakfast anymore so my first meal is usually around noon / 1 pm.
Sometimes we have a little snack before.
This will certainly help you if you’re quarantined all day (we’ll all be getting less steps in).
So, you’ve just had an incredible soul nourishing morning routine.
Now, you're HUNGRY! You get to make yourself and whoever else you’re with beautiful delicious food.
Here I normally like to change from my pj’s or workout gear to daytime clothes.
Since there really is NO RUSH because you will be spending all day at home anyways… You can make something really epic to eat if you want.
That’ll eat up an hour or so of time.
In that time you can play on your phone, listen to music, dance around the kitchen, make tea, talk about all of the epic things you are going to create in the future, etc.
Then, you eat the food…
What I normally do is flow into a super focussed series of business actions.
Usually I will have already written my daily piece of content in my morning routine, so that’ll be ready. I can distribute that through all platforms, etc.
This phase you can do whatever that looks like to you…
If I’ve done my morning rituals well then this phase of my day is usually MAGICAL and things just sort of flow like butter.
>> Here is HUMAN CONTACT TIME (through the internet, lol).
Send the emails, schedule meetings, do the calls, talk to the people in messenger, comment on awesome posts, etc.
The hot time of the day where EVERYONE is ON and AVAILABLE.
That’ll take up a few hours of your time.
If done right it’ll FLY BY and you’ll have purposefully used up a bunch of your quarantine time making waves in the world still!!
Then, I generally start fading from that, and wanna do more light, fun things in my body (not just sitting staring at a screen).
This is when I let everything marinate that I just did in the biz blast off flow session.
Good ideas will flow from that and usually another blitz of purposeful action comes through.
If you are not an entrepreneur or don’t have the ability to do business at home, you can use that chunk of time to work on personal projects, dive into self study, get creative, make art, play games with your family / partner etc.
As you can see this ALREADY brings us to the evening time. What a great day we’ve had already so far.
Easy, simple, purposeful, and it takes up time so that your day is FULL.
If you don’t set your agenda you’ll just end up scrolling facebook all day reading fear based news media and filling your mind with toxic energy. ??
You can use this time to GET AHEAD and be PURPOSEFUL.
Into the early afternoon and into the evening you will need to shake things up and change the mood for the night time.
Here you could change your clothes again to switch the mood, and pick a new part of your house to hang out in. Something cozy and comfier.
For example. Generally for the majority of the sunlight hours of the day I am on our private rooftop patio. Then, once the sun goes down I’ll migrate to one of the few nooks in our house to change up the vibe.
You have a few hours here before you get hungry for dinner, so you can dip into another focus session or have a relax session (video games, movies, make art etc).
Depends on your mood and energy. This is the part of the day you might start to get STIR CRAZY and start feeling the effects of being quarantined all day.
That’s when setting intentions and objectives for YOUR QUARANTINE comes in handy. You can set an OUTCOME that you’d like to have at the end of it all.
Set your intention NOW, not at the end when it’s all over.
Use this time to GET SMARTER and INNOVATE your life.
Use this time for SELF LOVE and SELF CARE.
Use this time to REJUVENATE.
???? If you just sit around and let the time pass by while scrolling sun up to sun down you’ll feel like a PILE OF POO by the end.
It all comes down to intention, and discipline.
In short: Your day will still have phases. Try to map out your day in phases so you have things to look forward to and different mood / energy shifts through the day so you still feel like you’ve had a diverse and FULL day.
ALSO, use this time to do things you never have the luxury to do.
Because, WHY NOT?!
This is your chance to feel what it’s like to have total freedom of time (just stuck to your own home ??).
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions about it. I'm sure I've missed valuable points through the day that would help you. Just ask me. :)
Alecia Repp xo
Your Trusted Guide
PS: Please share this if you feel it will help your friends and family. Let’s fill our news feed with positivity, good vibes and LOVE in this time.
#quarantine #coronavirus #mindset