How to make a background transparent in photoshop
Here is step-by-step guide on how to make background transparent in Photoshop. A transparent background image is an excellent way of making a product photo versatile. Because later you can use it with any background you want by adding in Photoshop.
If you don’t want to use any background, you can do that also. But most often, people go for transparent background Photoshop to add a new and improved one except brand logos.I recently wanted to make the background transparent of one of my photos in Photoshop and use it for other purposes. But when I searched on the internet, I barely got any perfect answer.
All the solutions were half-explained and confusing. So after doing some research and practicing, I got what I needed. But I wanted a solution where I can find answers to all my questions regarding this issue at once. So I am writing this all in one solution for those who want to make their image background transparent.
What is Photoshop transparent background
When you need your image without its background, using Photoshop software, experts can remove the background and make the background transparent for you. It’s called the Photoshop transparent background process. Sometimes your image background doesn’t fit, so then you need to change the background. So you erase the old background and make your image background transparent and then add a new one.
If you make the background transparent of your product photo, you will have a fully subject-focused picture that is best for online stores. Moreover, according to the product image requirements of online stores, product photos with a solid white background generate more sales. And you need to make your image background transparent if you want to get a perfect white backdrop for your image.
Where is it is Photoshop transparent background use for?
The transparent background has variously used. It is a very nice way to change the original background color into multiple colors. That is why its demand is increasing day by day. It is mainly used for a website logo and graphic design work. Today’s online stores, photographers, branding companies, advertisement agencies, publishers, and Catalog companies are searching for this service. It helps to fix photo background color changing issues.
How to make background transparent in photoshop using pen tool clipping path
Enough talking!!!
It’s time for the real action. You can use different methods in Photoshop to erase the background of your photo and make it transparent. Below, I will try to cover all the techniques I know are the best, easy, and straightforward. This doesn’t mean that these are the only way.
The first method we are going to use to make the background transparent is the clipping path technique.
Step 1: Open your Product photography for how to make background transparent in photoshop
To make a Photoshop transparent background, the first thing we have to do is to select the background. To make the selection process easy and accurate, we will use the Photoshop pen tool. But first, you have to open your product photo in Photoshop. To insert your image in Photoshop, you can drag and drop the image in the artboard. Or you can go to File→ Open New File, then select the image and click Insert. Your image will be opened in Photoshop, and an original layer will be created in the layer panel.
Step 2: Create a duplicate layer Create a duplicate layer for how to make background transparent in photoshop
In Photoshop, when we insert our image file in the layer panel, an original layer is created. We can start editing on the original layer, but it is difficult to get back our original file if anything goes wrong. So we will create a duplicate layer from our original layer in the layer panel. To create a duplicate layer, select the original layer and then select the Duplicate Layer option. Your duplicate layer will be formed, and you are ready to start your editing.
Step 3: Select pen tool from the tool panel for how to make background transparent in photoshop
We need to select the pen tool from the tool panel as we will use the pen tool method for our selection process. So go to the left Toolbar and from there like the pen tool.
Step 4: Create a clipping path outside the product
Now it’s time to create a photoshop clipping path around the subject’s edges that we want to select. As we are using product photos, we will create paths around the product.
Pro Tip: To make the selection accurate, zoom in to the edges as much as possible and start creating the image path.
Step 5: After the selection, invert the background
When we complete creating photo clipping paths around the product, it will get selected. After the selection, we will invert the selection to the background. As we want to remove the background image, we must choose the background, and by inverting the selection, we will get our background selected.
To invert the selection go to Image→ Adjustment and then select the Invert option, or you can simply press Ctrl+I, and you are done.
Step 6: Delete the background
After selecting the photo background by inverting the selection now, it’s time to delete it. Hit the Delete button on the keyboard, and the background will be deleted.
Step 7: Save the transparent background Photoshop and .PNG file
Save your image file in the .PNG format, and you will get a transparent background image like that.
How to make background transparent in photoshop using clipping magic wand tool
In this segment, we will learn how to make an image transparent in Photoshop using a clipping magic wand tool. The process is almost the same, and only the tool is different. Using the magic wand tool is easy as the name already suggests magic clipping. So let’s get into it and learn some magic!!!
Step 1: Open your Amazon photography images in Photoshop
You can use any image as long as the edges are precise. We will use Amazon photos for this tool. You can start with as we always do, open your Amazon photography images in Photoshop.
Step 2: Create a duplicate layer
Editing on a duplicate layer will save our original layer. Creating a duplicate layer is like a piece of cake. Go to layer→ , then select the Duplicate Layer option, and our duplicate layer will be created.
Step 3: Select the magic wand tool from the tool panel
With our duplicate layer creation, we are done preparing for our image editing. Now it’s time to select our tool and start the process. Go to the Toolbar at the left and find the magic wand tool icon from there. Select the tool and the cursor will turn into a magic wand.
Step 4: Select outside the Amazon photography
After selecting the magic wand tool, the selection process is just a one-click way. Take the cursor on the subject and click. The Photoshop magic wand tool will automatically detect the subject’s edge and select it by creating paths around it.
Pro Tip: The selection process with the magic wand tool takes one click to complete, but if you want accuracy, then you have to zoom in and fix the edges that the tool misses. The algorithm of adobe Photoshop cc is very rich, and day by day, it is improving. As for now, it’s not perfect yet. To zoom in, use the + and – sign to select where it’s needed.
Step 5: After the selection, invert the background
Now we have selected the subject, but we have to invert our selection to the background as we want to erase the backdrop. To invert the selection, we will go to Image→ Adjustment and then select the Invert option. But if you’re going to speed up, you can simply press Ctrl+I, and the selection will be inverted from subject to the background
Step 6: Delete the background
After selecting the background, we will delete it to create the background transparent. To delete the background, just hit the Delete button, and it’s done.
Step 7: Save the transparent background Photoshop and .PNG file.
To make our image background transparent, we have to save it in a .png format. So press Ctrl+S and give the file a name, then hit the save button. This method is the best fit for amazon product photography because with the magic wand tool making transparent background takes no time.
How to make background transparent in photoshop logo using lasso tool
Making the background transparent is almost like a daily life routine for logo makers. Because when they export and save a logo after completing it, its background must be transparent. Logos play a significant role for the brands, and they are used on different surfaces. That’s why the background of logos must be transparent. In this method, we will erase the background of logos and make them transparent. The tool we are using in this segment is the Lasso Tool. You can use it to remove the background of your image as well.
Step 1: Open your logo file in Photoshop
Graphic designers and logo makers make the background transparent when they export and save the logo. But if you miss that step, then fear not because you can open your saved logo file and erase the background at any time. So open your logo file in Photoshop by dragging and dropping it on the art board of Photoshop. Or you can manually click on the File option from the menu bar and select the logo, then insert it as well.
Step 2: Choose the lasso tool
As we will be using the lasso tool this time for our selection process, go to the Toolbar at the left and select the lasso tool.
Step 3: Select outside the logo image
After selecting the lasso tool, now we will select the outside of the logo image. To select the edges, just drag the cursor around the subject while enabling the lasso tool. After you complete dragging around the subject’s edges, you will notice that a path is created. Which means your subject is selected.
Step 4: After the selection, invert the logo background images
After completing our selection now, we will invert the selection area and take it to the background. To invert the selection area go to Image→ Adjustment and then select the Invert option, and the selection will be inverted.
Step 5: Erase background from logo
Keeping the background selection active, hit the Delete button, and the background of the logo will be erased.
Step 6: Export the transparent background
Now export the transparent background logo and save it in .png format. If you use any other format, the background won’t remain transparent, so keep this in your mind.
White Background Image Using Object Selection Tool
This last segment will talk about another Photoshop selection tool that will help you select the subject very quickly. Using object selection tools, you can select medium complex images along with all the simple ones. For this method, we will use a white background car photo. So let’s know how the Photoshop object selection tool works and how we can make the background transparent.
Step 1: Open your white background image in adobe Photoshop
As usual, we will start with opening the image that we want to edit. So open your white background image in adobe Photoshop to start the editing. You can drag and drop the image or go to File→ Open, then select the image and click on Insert.
Step 2: Make a duplicate layer image.
To avoid any loss to our original layer, we will create a duplicate layer of our car image. So to make a duplicate layer to our image, we will simply select layer→ then select the Duplicate Layer option.
Step 3: Select Object Selection Tool from the tool panel
The object selection tool that we are going to use is in the Toolbar at the left. So go to the Toolbar and select the tool to get started.
Step 4: Select outside the white background image
Now that we have selected the object selection tool, all we need to do is click and drag the cursor over the image’s subject, which is a car for us. After you leave the cursor, the tool will select outside the white background image. Zoom in and use the + or – sign to make the selection more accurate.
Step 5: After selecting the car, photography inverted the image.
It’s time to invert the selection we have made in the last step. To invert the selection from the subject to the background, go to Image→ Adjustment and select the Invert option.
Step 6: Remove the Image Background
As our background is selected now, it’s time to delete the background of our image. Hit the Delete button on the keyboard to make the backdrop transparent.
Step 7: Save as or export with png file.
Please save the file in .png format while exporting it, and the background will be transparent as we wanted. In this method, we learned how to remove white background from an image like a pro. And with this, our tutorial is complete, and I hope in the future you won’t face any difficulties to make the background transparent.
After reading this image editing tutorial, I hope you understand Photoshop and learn how to make the background transparent in Photoshop. I have used different images for different methods in this Photoshop tutorial, and there’s a reason for it. And the reason is to make you understand that you can use any image you want to make the background transparent.
Use the latest version of Photoshop to get the best result. Making the image background transparent opens up many opportunities for a photo. That’s why if you are an editor, then I would suggest you keep a transparent version of your image while you are working on it.