How to make $5k this month - the key is FRUIT...

How to make $5k this month - the key is FRUIT...

Making money with your coaching this month is about to get a whole lot easier.

It may seem silly, but let me explain.

Why do I mention fruit?

It's not quite fruit, but it's the IDEA of fruit.

Specifically, in business, something we refer to as low-hanging fruit, low-hanging fruit refers to people, and more specifically people that are easy to sell to, and easy to reach.

The following people are often low-hanging fruit.

  1. Friends & Family
  2. Previous Clients
  3. People who've shown interest in the past
  4. ALL your followers.

These are the people that are primed to buy your services, and you know it.

So why haven't you reached out to them to sell your services?

Let me give an example:

Say for example you coach people in injury recovery - you probably know a few people, friends, and ex-clients that have or had injuries, so check up with them, see where they're at, and if they're interested in further improving their longevity.

We tend to think we have to reach out to complete strangers and constantly find new people, but you have a network of thousands of people?you can sell to and help RIGHT NOW.

I think you get the point.

BUT, let me dive a bit deeper.

Here's what I want you to do.

Grab a notebook.

Note down the names of ANYBODY that you know in any of these four circles that you KNOW will have some level of interest in what you're coaching in.

And then I want you to actually just DM these people.

A simple 'Hey John, long time, how's the fitness journey going?'

Or anything like that will do.

Start a conversation with them, and see if they are open to getting actual results in whatever field you coach in.

& just for the curious.

Let me explain each of the groups separately.

1. Friends & Family.

Friends and family trust you and support you, so if any of them struggle with the very thing you coach, why don't you sell them your product? And actually help them? Maybe it's weird to charge them, but just give them a discount and pitch them the fact that you ACTUALLY want to help them, because you do

2. Previous clients.

Previous clients are very likely to buy again, ESPECIALLY if you did a good job. They've paid you before. They've worked with you before. They know you deliver results. So reach out to previous clients and talks bout how you're launching something new, or doing something new, and want to get them aboard and are offering them a discount.

3. People who've shown interest before.

Anybody who has shown some level of interest in your product in the past might still be interested in what you give now. Especially if you did a little revamp for a new course. It's not embarrassing or weird to say "Hey John, I remember you were interested in my xxx course, and I just developed something even better which I think is a perfect fit for you and your journey in xxx" (don't copy that message, it's off the dome and kind of shabby, but you get the point!)

4. People who already follow you.

This one is the trickiest one but has the most upside potential. You probably have a few thousand followers, which means there is ALOT of people that might be interested, but also a lot that might not be, so how do you go about it?

Just start DMing 10 people from your following a day, and ask a question, again, a simple 'Hey John, long time, how's the fitness journey going?' will do.

And when people say 'not so well actually' is when you dive in and see if you can help.


I think you get the point.

But I want you to act on this one & share your results.

I promise if you reach out to these 4 groups of people you WILL sell 5k worth of high-ticket programs this month.


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