How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever

How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever

It’s a brand new year and all things are possible. Most of us would like to move on from the COVID-19 pandemic and related stresses of the past year or more. We encourage you to do more than “move on,” let’s make 2022 your best year ever!

But how? First, let’s address the top 3 things that hold people back from successfully starting over in life to achieve fulfillment.

Top Three Obstacles to Success and Fulfillment

Obstacle #1: Fear vs Risk– change is scary, and taking the risks necessary to make big changes is even scarier. We instinctively retreat to our comfort zone when encountering fear, which causes us to stay stuck.

Neale Donald Walsch said “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Obstacle #2: Belief vs. Doubt– if you don’t believe it’s possible it won’t be, simple as that.

Napoleon Hill is often quoted as saying “What you believe you can achieve,” and the opposite is true as well- “What you don’t believe you won’t achieve.”

Obstacle #3: Self Esteem vs. Self Belief- do you believe you deserve to be happy and successful?

Henry Ford said “Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

Below are 5 strategies and 3 steps for “Radical Living” excerpted from our book Radical Marriage. This would be our best answer to the “How” question.

You only live once. Go for it!

Five Strategies for Radical Living

Strategy #1: Dream

Radical Action: Give yourself permission to dream. Realize that not only can you achieve your dream, but you can go far beyond that.

Strategy #2: Stay in the Question

Radical Action: Don’t worry about how to make it happen. Seek solutions by asking questions and staying in inquiry. Continue asking the question even when the answer isn’t clear and you will discover alternatives and answers and support that you didn’t know was possible.

Strategy #3: Get Support

Radical Action: When you’re having trouble, find someone who can either open the door for you or show you how to open it yourself.

Strategy #4: Keep Moving Forward

Radical Action: Once you’ve experienced success with Radical Living, don’t stop dreaming and striving. There is always another mountain after you’ve reached the top of the one you’re currently climbing.

Strategy #5: Believe

Radical Action: Take a leap of faith and believe that you can be loved for exactly who you are and that you can be fully supported to live the life you really want.

Three Steps for Achieving your Biggest Dreams

Step #1: Identify Your Vision

Explore the purpose of your life, your values, and the lifestyle that you want to live. Ask yourself: “What kind of work or career would make me most happy?” “What kind of family do I want?” “What do I want to do for fun?” “What would give my life meaning, purpose and fulfillment?”

Step #2: Develop a Plan

Identify any challenges, then determine whether each challenge is a requirement, need, or want. Focus on the requirements first and develop a goal around that challenge. Figure out the outcome that you want from your challenge and determine the steps you need to take to reach that outcome. Develop an action plan and implement each item one small step at a time.

Step #3: Keep Moving Forward

Make plans and get the support you need to implement them. Without support you’ll get stuck, guaranteed. we highly recommend finding a professional Life/Relationship Coach with excellent references and track record as this is exactly what a coach is trained to do- keep you moving forward to achieve your biggest dreams and goals, even the ones you might think are impossible.

Our best wishes for 2022 being your best year ever!

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