How to Maintain Smartview Updates

It's been a while since I published but now I am back with another tip for those using "On Premise Hyperion.

Oracle seems to be releasing updates for Smartview on an estimated quarterly basis. Many customers tend to update after these new releases are released.

The most widely used method is to login to Workspace and select Tools-->Install-->SmartView and it will prompt you to download Smartview. To do this, make sure Popup Blocker is not on. Using this method, requires you to update the version of Smartview in the following path: D:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\epmstatic\wspace\SmartView

An alternative method and one that I find much easier to maintain is the following.

  1. Download the latest version of Smartview from the Oracle Support Website. As of this writing it is 23.100
  2. Save it to a network drive and unzip it. For example unzip to Smartview23100
  3. Right click on the folder and share the folder.Open the folder and right click on Smartview.exe and select Share With and select Specific People. Select Everyone and Click the Share button.
  4. Click Copy and Paste the links into another Program and copy the link to Notepad.

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  1. Set the security permissions also to a minimum read and execute
  2. Login to Workspace and click Explore Folder
  3. Select File-->New Folder and call it Smartview
  4. Right click on Smartview folder and select File-->Import-->URL.
  5. Type in Name and Description and for URL put the file path. file://HyperionEast/Smartview/Smartview.exe

See below. This is the shared path to the Smartview.exe file

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To Download Smartview from Workspace Folder

  1. Login to Workspace
  2. Click Explore Button
  3. Select Smartview Folder. You will see the Smartview download

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4. Right click on the download and select Open in New Window

5. If using Edge or Chrome it will prompt to run or save. Save the file

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6. Go to download location and right click on Smartview.exe and launch as "Run as Administrator"

7. For all future updates, just download new version of Smartview and replace files of existing location with new .exe and version.xml.

Any questions or comments please feel free to contact.


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