How to maintain quality for bread making or repurposing grain for livestock feed.
From the May/June Issue of Grain Journal

How to maintain quality for bread making or repurposing grain for livestock feed.

Excessive rain prior to or during the weeks of harvest raises concern about storing sprouted wheat kernels.

Wheat with a moisture content greater than 12.5% will be at risk in storage regardless of test weight, sprouting, or quality. The higher the moisture content, the higher the risk. Note that the moisture content of sprouted grain is actually 1-1.5% higher than a grain moisture meter indicates. Moist grain also increases the chance of having mold, mustiness, odor, and insect damage.

High moisture content in wheat must be reduced as quickly as possible to ensure successful storage. One way to reduce the moisture content of stored grain is with aeration.?

Using Aeration

During summer aeration, 0.5% moisture can be removed from 12% grain during one cooling cycle. A cooling cycle is the amount of time required to cool the grain mass from one temperature to another. Bins with aeration fans producing 0.1 cfm per bushel may require as many as 150 hours of fan operation to complete one cooling cycle if the grain in the bin is level. More time is required if the grain mass is peaked.

Coring the bin, by pulling out the center mass of grain using the unload spout or hopper conveyer, removes much of the fine material and improves distribution of air during aeration. If aeration is not available, turn the grain mass to mix layers of moist and drier grain.?

Insect Challenges

Insect management for short-term storage of sprouted wheat should not be an issue. However, long-term storage of high-moisture grain can lead to a significant reduction in grain quality. Certain stored grain insects, such as the rice weevil, which causes insect damaged kernels (IDK), must have grain that is at least 12.5% moisture or greater to survive. Therefore, if the grain is moist, additional insect species may attack the grain during storage. Rice weevils will not be found in drier grain.

It is critical to pay attention to potential insect activity throughout the storage period to keep the grain at high quality. Having good-quality grain at the time of market will only happen if regular insect monitoring occurs.

Oxygen Displacement

Spouted wheat in storage facilities respires at a higher rate than dry grain, and the oxygen is converted to carbon dioxide. This can create a safety hazard for workers entering storage. Check for low oxygen or high carbon dioxide levels using appropriate detectors. Operating aeration fans for 30-60 minutes prior to entering a bin will bring in fresh air and reduce the chance of a hazardous situation.

Sprouted Grain for Livestock

Sprout-damaged grain can be used in livestock rations. If mold is present, aflatoxin screening needs to be conducted. If the toxin is not present, the sprouted wheat can be used in cattle rations. In general, when feeding sprouted wheat to ruminant livestock:

  • Limit wheat to 40% or less of the total ration.
  • Bring cattle to full feed at a slower rate ? avoid self-feeding.
  • Process wheat coarsely to improve digestibility.
  • Do not use wheat in creep ration.

When feeding sprouted wheat to swine:

  • Balance diets containing wheat on a lysine basis.
  • Process wheat-based diets coarsely to reduce dust and increase palatability.
  • If vomitoxins are present, do not feed to swine.

Baking Quality

Wheat which has sprouted affects the falling number which is important in bread making. The falling number in wheat flour expresses the time in seconds for a stirring rod in a falling number apparatus to sink through the starch paste. The falling number in sound, non-sprouted wheat is from 350 to more than 500 seconds, while falling numbers from less than 350 down to less than 100 seconds are an indicator of sprouted wheat. Too low a falling number renders the flour unsuitable for bread making.


Special care must be taken when storing sprouted wheat to ensure that grain quality is maintained, losses are minimized, and safety measures are followed.

Reference: Storage and Use of Low Test Weight and Sprouted Wheat; C.L. Jones, E.L. Bonjour, T.A. Royer, D.L. Lalman, and J.T. Edwards. 2019. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Fact Sheet, BAE-1109 (revised).

Written by Edmond Bonjour: an associate extension specialist, stored products entomologist in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. He can be reached at 405-744-8134 or [email protected].?


Most Aggressive Grain - Kleener

2 年

Maintaining quality during storage is critical to safe and quality grains. Cleaning your grain prior to and after storage will help to support this quality cycle. We are here to help...please reach out. Magik Kleener


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