How to maintain balance as a busy Realtor

How to maintain balance as a busy Realtor

I will tell you from experience that finding balance between being super-agent and normality is so difficult but crucial. If you do not protect your time then others will trample all over it and not respect it. It is similar to a relationship in that you must set and enforce boundaries. 

Before I get to far in to this I want to preface it with this, build a strategic partnership with other agents. This will allow you the ability to cover for each other. As you grow you may share an admin or transaction coordinator until you need your own. Similar to an legal firm, you split the staff to defer costs.

OK Now. You need to decide on a day off so you do not burn out. Even 1 evening off back with 1 morning off. That works best for me since I may be able to escape to something fun. Do not waiver on that time unless it is time to write up or negotiate an offer. If a client/customer wants to see a property and you are booked off, your affiliate partner will cover for you. Then you return the favor. Even if it is just twice a month. It will give you something to look forward to. Also, take a day off on weekend once and a while without guilt following the same principals.

DO NOT under any circumstance miss your kids events. You will miss some but one of the highlights of my day is watching my daughter varsity volleyball games, did I mention she was a sophomore… Proud dad moment. Also, watching my sons lacrosse or basketball games are not up for discussion. There is plenty of time in the week that I can take you to that house, just not this time or this time. Trust me, you will thank me later… So won’t the kids ?

Train your clients from the beginning. I always tell my buyer clients, I need the day before notice in order to schedule. Unless it is a brand new listing and we can get in right of way. To clarify. When working with a buyer and you have seen the prospective inventory and a new property comes on the market you jump…. When a customer calls at 4:00 and wants to see these 3 tonight, I tend to tell them that I will try and schedule but typically need some notice and what time tomorrow works as a back up.

I know you will say but I did 3 deals because I jumped and went right out. Cool if that is how you want to work. I did it for 10 years as well. But then I refined my business. I actually was only working 30 hours, by average sales price went up and my GCI remained pretty much unaffected. Why? Because I worked smarter, I controlled my clients, I received referrals from their friends who were in the higher price range. Again, that takes time to get to but so much better. I also followed and used my own More GCI Agent Manager to make sure I never missed a follow up and had laser focus on my business.

I built a few strategic partnerships with agents and 80% of my business is referred out now on legacy referral. I still take an occasional referred listing or buyer upon request. So by helping the other agents out, I was able to leverage time which is the most expensive thing on earth. 

By doing it this way I did not have the need for a team, I used leverage and systematic focus. This allowed me more time with my family which I needed and more time to grow More GCI in to the beast that it is.

I have personally helped hundreds of people change their business and I know we can change yours as well. It is a mind set. Do not be lazy…. Do what we suggest with your flair, follow up with every single lead and never miss a sale again. Sounds like good balance.. Income Streams and Time with Family.

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