My former client turned my branding coach and friend, Gil Nevo , stayed with us in Maui recently.

At the weekend, we were at a local farm having a coffee at a picnic table outside and discussing the merits of saying ‘no’ to opportunities to make money.?

I had just turned down an offer to join a number of multi-millionaires in investing in a project here in Maui. The project is almost certain to make everyone involved a bunch of cash.

Despite this, I said,?“No thanks.”

It wasn’t immediate. It took me a couple of days to realize I didn’t want to do it, but once I communicated this, I was filled with a familiar thrust of energy.

That thrust feels like the moment you summit a mountain top; or better, the moment after a doldrum when your sails fill with wind and your boat is suddenly being pulled at cruising speed.

It is the bliss and power of knowing you are willing to stand for something more true to you than the culturally common and expected value of money.

To say ‘no’ to a sure opportunity to profit because something else matters more to you is an empowering feeling.

But this wasn’t what Gil and I were discussing.

We were talking about how we both live the lives we do - living in flow, filled with love and purpose - and we make good money doing so precisely because we are willing to say ‘no’ to opportunities to make money when they don’t meet our high-bar for inner alignment.?

As I share in our free 90-minute training the?5 Keys to Being a Client Magnet, when you say ‘no’ to?everything?you do not love, you are left only doing that which you love.

If at the same time, you stay committed to providing value and producing income, then you will come to produce income through doing exactly the work you love.

It’s paradoxical to create what you love by removing that which you do not love, but in fact, this is how much of creation occurs.?

In the way a sculptor removes material, an individual can peel away, with finer and finer detail, aspects of how they use their time and resources. The more you remove - the more things you say ‘no’ to because of how they miss the mark on alignment with your deepest fulfillment and purpose - the more your body and your being become a beacon of that which you love.

As you move through the world a more true, refined, and bold version of your essential nature, you impact people in ways that create greater trust and a grander sense of possibility for them.?

On the backside of every ‘no’ is a YES to something else.

Ground yourself in your eternal YES and let the words “no, thank you” fall gently and lovingly from your mouth.

Watch as your energetic body emerges from white marble and how, more and more often, people stop to look, reflect, compliment, praise, and inquire about you and what you might be able to do with and for them.?

As a Pure Creator of your being, you are both the artist and the art.?

Magnetism isn’t something you?do. It’s something that?happens.

In the same way that metal becomes magnetic only when its electrons are both aligned in their spin and have their poles all facing in the same direction, your magnetism happens when your way of being is totally aligned and when you are entirely focused on an outcome or vision.

Creating a way of Being Magnetic is thus the granular work at the subatomic level of your consciousness.

This is the work we do in Creating and it is work we would love to teach you and support you in. To learn more, reply to this article with the words 'I am magnetic'.

Loving you, JPM


