How to Love Your Inner Writer
Kathryn Burnett
Writer/Writing Coach/ Facilitator of cool writing workshops. Author of The Productive Writer Guidebook and The Nicola Cheeseman Diaries on Substack
Yes, it's that day. folks...the day beloved of smitten kittens everywhere.
Now some of you might think Valentine's Day is a consumer-driven bunch of a*se and nonsense. Some of you might not have an obvious recipient for your attention.
But who cares?
If you've got an inner writer who can ALWAYS do with some love - what better day to show them some appreciation?
Here are 4 Ways To Love Your Inner Writer…
1: Gifts
Buy yourself something that makes your writing process more pleasurable – whether that’s flowers for your workspace, new stationery or a stimulating workshop – it doesn’t matter as long as it makes you feel good. And appreciated.
2: Write A Love Letter.
Take 2-3 minutes today to write your inner writer a love note...
Here's how I started mine...
Dear Ball of Creative Energy called Kathryn, I love your creative energy and the fact that you never seem to run out of ideas amazes me!
(There’s more but it’s waaay too mushy for public consumption.)
3: Feed
Cut back on toxic nonsense and consciously, deliberately feed your inner writer with creatively rich and stimulating content. Get yourself along to an art gallery, try a creative activity you’ve never tried before, listen to music you've never heard before, walk somewhere you’ve never headed before. This is the easiest, most enjoyable way to feed your inner writer. And it doesn’t need to cost much – there is a world of free art spaces, workshops and lectures out there. Not to mention libraries and hospice shops simply heaving with pre-loved books.
4: Flirt with the Forbidden
Let your inner writer off the leash by allowing him/her to dally with writing something they would never write. So you’d never dream of writing erotica, romance or horror?
Try it for a page and see what happens. No one will ever know…and it’s a great way to give your inner writer a creative work out and permission to break out...
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