How to Lose Weight Without Tracking Calories, What NOT to Do Before Xmas

How to Lose Weight Without Tracking Calories, What NOT to Do Before Xmas

Happy Friday!


Here are 2 fitness tools, 2 dieting tips, and a quote for your mindset this week.


2 Fitness Tools

1. 30 Minute Workouts Are Underrated


You can workout for just 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week and still see great results.

4 sets a muscle group is all you need to still build strength and muscle.

Does this mean it's the BEST for getting results? Of course not.

Obviously, if you want to maximize muscle and strength gains more is going to be better.


for 90% of the people reading this email...

Staying consistent and still hitting your workouts every week is more important than hitting the BEST workouts or the perfect training split.

I do this shit for a living and I'm very often hitting 30-40 minute workouts 3-4 days a week.

That's it.


Today I hit a leg workout.

This is what I did.


-2 Sets of Lunges

-2 Sets of Calf Raises

-2 Sets of Single Leg Hip Bridges

-2 Sets of DB Deadlifts

-2 Sets of Abs (iron butterflies)


That was it.

I will repeat this workout for my second lower body day because I have a busy week.

Don't beat yourself if you don't have a lot of time, but get your butt in the gym and make the most out of nothing.

As long as you're pushing yourself, aiming to add reps and weight over time, you're going to keep progressing.

A minimal effective dose is what you always want to maintain.


2. Stop Exercising to Burn Calories

Exercise because exercise is good for you.

Going to the gym with the agenda of burning calories is a mindset that sets you up for failure.

No matter how many calories you think you burn in the gym...

It can't undo a bad diet.

It's so much easier to eat 300 calories worth of a food then it is to burn 300 calories off.

I stress tracking calories because it's what matters when it comes to losing weight.

Getting control of how much food you're putting your body.

I tell my clients to still set step goals and work hard in the gym... but we are doing it because it is good for them, not as a means to necessarily lose weight.

Calorie tracking is a way to gain awareness and knowledge around what you're eating.

Hyperfocusing on just burning off what you ate creates a guilt/shame/punishment cardio cycle that isn't good.

Hyperfocusing on good versus bad food can have the same effect.

So instead exercise because you know it's good for you, and track your calories if part of your goal is weight loss.

Instead of eating back the calories you burned from working out...

Use a calorie target range (1600-1800 calories for example) instead of just one number like 1700.

Now on days you're hungrier or burned a little extra you can go for 1800. Days you're not as hungry 1600.

This not only gives you more flexibility but also helps you to start intuitively eating, which is a must when it comes to losing the weight for good.

2 Dieting Tips

1. NOW This is How You Can Lose Weight Without Tracking Calories?

You DON'T have to track calories to lose weight...

But the calories you eat DO ALWAYS COUNT.

This means that as long as you're eating in a calorie deficit...

You will lose weight.

The simplest and most straightforward way to ensure you're doing that is to track your calories

BUT... If you want to lose weight without having to do that...

This is the approach I'd use.

? Start Drinking Enough Water

Half your bodyweight in ounces each day to be exact. This will keep you hydrated so you are less likely to snack (the sensation of thirst is often mistaken for hunger) and therefore helps you eat less calories. You will feel a lot better too!

? Grocery Shop with a Plan

What you buy and bring home... is what you're going to eat!

So instead make a meal plan for the week and THEN build your grocery list off of that.

Then you can shop intentionally which will make it that much easier to stay on track when you bring the right things home.

? Big ASS Salad

Eat that for lunch.

This salad includes some sort of protein and a shit load of veggies for volume. This will significantly cut down on calories, and fill you up with the volume.

? Eat What You Want for Dinner

What I mean by this is eat a normal dinner.

Whatever you or your spouse cooks is perfectly fine.

The key here is you have 1 helping of food and not going back for seconds.

Fill your plate with 1-2 palm sized portions of protein, a bunch of veggies, and then 1-2 handfuls of carbs.

? Have 1-2 Portioned Snacks

You can have whatever snacks you want... But... You have to measure it out so it's only 1 to 1.5 servings of that said snack. This means you can still have a little ice cream or that after dinner glass of wine (i count that in the snack calories).

? BONUS Daily Weigh Ins

Hop on the scale every morning and record the number to track progress. Focus on your weekly trend line and embrace the ups and downs. Your weight WILL fluctuate! That's why we focus on the trend instead of any one number.

2. Don't Do This Before XMas

A lot of people give up on the possibility of losing weight this month.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

BUTTT.... That's a big butt ;)

Taking the "holidays" as an excuse to feast everyday of the week and skip the gym probably isn't the best idea.

Especially if you have weight loss goals.

Instead you can fully enjoy yourself on the holiDAYS, not the holiWEEKS without feeling guilty.

The key is you don't have to track the few days around X-Mas and New Years.

Then the rest of the month you can focus on...

-Hitting the gym at least 3 days a week

-Hitting your calorie deficit and protein ranges

-Weighing yourself everyday and comparing weekly averages to track progress

Now you have a really good opportunity to drop some pounds... ANDDDDD at a minimum you're resetting from the mindset of "oh it's the holidays I'm just going to pig out and skip out on the gym'

This allows you to start embracing that fitness can be a LIFESTYLE and not just something you do intermittently whenever you're trying to get back in shape.

When you can work out more when you have more time and still hit a baseline during the holidays to at least maintain...

Now you're finding a sustainable balance that isn't beating your body up in the gym or restricting the crap out of your food choices and social life outside of it. You CAN still enjoy the foods you eat and lose weight.

You CAN still enjoy the holidays without guilt knowing that it's just a few days.

You CAN build momentum and make progress before the New Year starts.

If YOU want even more help and comprehensive 1-on-1 online coaching support from yours truly balancing the nutrition, training, and mindset to losing the weight for good in an enjoyable way...

Message me "Let's do this" and I will get you the details on my comprehensive training, nutrition, and mindset coaching to lose the weight for good.


A Quote to Think About Today

"If you don't make time for your health, your health will make time for you."

Hope you have a great weekend!

Best, Nate Brown

Fast and Swole Training

PS. Here are a few ways I can help you more

1. If you want to join my free Facebook group of likeminded individuals looking to get in their best shape ever after 30 reply "Group" and I'll send ya the link.

2. If you want my 7 Step Checklist on How to Lose Fat At Any Age message me "Checklist" and I'll send it your way.


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