How To Lose Weight Over 40- The Secret Even Your Body Didn’t Tell You…
Treating weight gain as the problem by focusing on weight loss is symptomatic treatment, not caustic. Weight gain is the symptom, what’s the cause? The cause is metabolic and hormonal.
It happened without you even knowing. You probably kept on doing what you’re doing and didn’t even notice. And then, one day, you wake up and your pants don’t fit…well unless you lay down on the bed. Still, you didn’t pay much attention.
Then you size up again and you finally decide you’ve had enough. Seriously this time. So you consult the all knowing ‘Google’ and next thing you know, you’ve gone head first down the rabbit hole…
…Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Low Carb, High Fat, Super Carb, Mediterranean, Plant Based, Carnivore…man, it’s enough to make you stop for a snack, or 3.
Then, you decide it’s time to get back to your high school shape too so off to the gym to do the latest HIIT, Spin, Tabata, Cardio or some other hedonistic workout you think will quickly find the old bronze God or Goddess you used to be.
And the worst thing that could happen is it might actually work. You might in fact lose weight and get in better shape. But you’ll be setting yourself for even greater challenges down the road.
Going on a restrictive diet and doing long work outs that keep your heart up are only going to make the problem worse. The restrictive diet will force your thyroid to down regulate, again. The intense workouts will drastically raise your cortisol levels, a hormone which inhibits insulin from doing its’ job which means your body will store more fat, not burn it.
The old adage that weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise is real but when you’re beyond 40, it’s 100% food and exercise is just the icing on the cake. Slow down. It’s not a race. Eat at least ? a gram of protein for every lb of body weight, get plenty of fat and easy on the carbs for a bit. This is NOT a recipe for a low carb diet. If you’re not working out like crazy, you don’t need as many carbs as an athlete. You only need to do strength, resistance exercises and less than 15 minutes is plenty. Believe it or not, what we used to do in PE class is perfect- sit ups, push ups, lunges, squats, etc.
I was fat too, obese actually. At 50 years old, I had fallen asleep at the wheel of my mouth for years. Then I woke up. Then I lost over 70lbs of fat and gained 15lbs of muscle at the same time. I did it without any diet or gym and without a single piece of equipment. You can too. Reach out any time and I’ll help.