How Not to Loose Yourself In The Process
I attribute my faith in God as the reason for finding meaning in young and, later down the road, single motherhood. For me, as God worked in me, pieces of my journey began coming together and I felt as though things were starting to make sense.
What dots have you not connected yet?
Working at a nonprofit is where I began connecting the dots and finding my true passion and where I believe God made me face my passion. But, it was still up to me to be obedient to the call and face my fears. Joshua 1:9 NIV became my life verse.
What is in your past that you have yet to figure out WHY in God's green earth it happened? You ask, "Why am I facing this?! Why now??" Or maybe it was in the distant past and you have never come to terms with it.
Doesn't this ring true for ANY mom?
When the image begins to form in what looks like a HOT MESS... light shines through eventually. And it begins to take shape. Puzzle pieces start to line up.
For me, I sought to develop my coaching skills and today I have coached hundreds of people. Many women have told me their greatest challenges of their lives came, during their journey of motherhood. Many women have shared how they lost themselves in that journey.
Do you feel lost at times?
I now think differently about “losing oneself”, I believe we never get lost; we just need to recognize where the path is leading us. Once I connected the dots with the meaning for it all, my LIFE began to make sense!
Today I focus on empowering women who struggle with balancing family life and career growth, battling with how to get ahead in a job, or in creating a side hustle they LOVE.
If you have not found your joy at work, at home and you fell stuck or unclear of the next steps. You know you need to prepare for the next phases of life... Let's start with a discovery call.