How to loose body fat fast without excercise. (Within 7 days)
Adewumi Precious
Bachelor of Applied Science - BASc at University of Massachusetts Boston
Are you looking for how to loose weight without taking any excercise, then in this article am going to show you some of the best ways to loose weight fast. that is the goal. Although perhaps it will be more interesting if we complete it with a "what to do to lose weight, without dieting". Now better, right? Believe it or not, it can be achieved by putting these 10 practical tips into practice.
Losing weight doesn't always have to go through the imperative of dieting . When it comes to losing little weight, it is often enough to change your dietary habits and increase your exercise practice.
"Often, small weight losses can occur simply by improving certain (bad) habits that we have at the table, in the kitchen, when shopping or in the restaurant," says dietician-nutritionist Magda Carlas , author of the recently published book 'Diet can wait' (Dome Books). Even if we don't need to lose weight , a review of our habits can help us regain balance and eat with greater awareness.
In some countries like Spain, we allow more than four hours to pass between breakfast and lunch, or between lunch and dinner, and we also eat late and sleep fewer hours than necessary. The consequence of all this is that we have an excessive appetite between meals, a greater predisposition to obesity, a decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system, as well as our physical and mental performance, and a lower cognitive capacity, according to Carlas.
Dedicate yes or yes 15-20 minutes a day to breakfast, divide the daily diet into 5 intakes without allowing more than four hours to elapse between them. If we see that this is going to happen "it is important to have a second breakfast or a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon."
Whole fruit and with skin (if possible). "The important thing is that the fruit is not very ripe and that it requires a certain amount of chewing", advises the dietician-nutritionist. Another good suggestion is to mix yogurt with fruit , take nuts that "have a very high satiating power and a very low glycemic index", yes in doses of 20 or 30 g and always toasted or natural (neither salty, nor fried, nor with honey).
We eat in less than 10 minutes, in front of the computer or in environments that are too noisy, overwhelming or unpleasant (due to company or conversation). Not in vain in Spain 4% of the population suffers from binge eating disorder and 2-3% have bulimia. In addition, eating too quickly makes us swallow more air, eat more, have less feeling of satiety and star in digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, gastritis or ulcus, Carlas lists.
You have to try to eat, at least, in about 20 minutes, never less. In a quiet and pleasant environment, and in good company. Drink generously - sparkling water with a few drops of lemon juice and ice, to reduce appetite. Eating foods that require peeling - shellfish -, chewing and fragmentation, which slow down the speed of ingestion. In small cutlery that contains a smaller amount of food. And you have to try to reduce nervousness and anxiety, listening to soft music (classical, jazz, soul or blues), or taking relaxing infusions of valerian or lemon balm.
"In the quantities can be the origin of numerous dietary errors and, possibly, in many cases, one of the causes of overweight," says the expert. We tend to eat larger-than-desirable servings of pasta, cereals, and meat, use larger-than-desirable amounts of seasonings, and fall short on raw fish or vegetables. Without forgetting that "in Spain we take twice as much salt as recommended" , and we consume excessive doses of sugar and light products.
It would be necessary to take daily: 4 to 6 servings of whole grains (pasta, rice and bread), 2 of vegetables and vegetables, 3 of fruits, 3 to 6 servings of 10 ml of olive oil, 2 to 4 of milk and derivatives, and 4 to 8 servings of water. And throughout the week: 3 to 4 servings of fish, lean meats, poultry and eggs, 2 to 4 of legumes, and 3 to 7 of nuts. In addition to having a glass of red wine or beer from time to time and practicing 30 minutes of exercise a day .
Aromatic sauces or spices add practically no energy to dishes, but pure fats such as oils, butters or margarines, dressings such as cheeses, nuts, seeds or fried breadcrumbs have a very high caloric intake. In addition, our country is an important consumer of oil and sauces.
"Olive oil is the preferred condiment, and in terms of sauces it seems that mayonnaise is the one that is most liked and consumed," says Carlas. Solution: If it is extra virgin olive oil, the sensible thing to do is to use a tablespoon per plate, in the restaurant it is advisable to order the sauce separately and avoid using sauce boats, it is preferable to use light mayonnaise or lighten it at home. "Mayonnaise can be easily lightened with plain yogurt or by adding more lemon juice." Mustard, soy sauce, tomato sauce, and ketchup are probably the lightest sauces out there. Of course, when choosing soybeans, you have to avoid salt, since this in itself provides a lot of sodium. And it is preferable to make sauces from vegetables, mushrooms or legumes.
In Spain there is a lag of 2 or 3 hours in relation to other countries of the European community and dinner is really late. In addition, it is ingested a lot, improvised and in front of screens (TV, computer, Tablet). In addition to the fact that we go straight to bed, usually in the middle of digesting dinner.
“ The dinner menu should be austere, digestive, smooth and provide a good night's sleep. According to experts, dinner should provide 25%, maximum 30% of the daily energy. " What foods should be part of your dinners? Vegetables (vegetable soups and vegetable purees, salads, steamed or roasted vegetables), white or blue fish, poultry or eggs cooked in a soft way and without the addition of fat (griddle, oven, steam or roast). And for dessert, fruit or low-fat dairy.
Neither soft drinks, nor alcoholic beverages, nor packaged juices, nor fruit or dairy smoothies, nor vegetable milks. “Water is what should be our base drink. It does not provide energy or additives and, in addition, it has no contraindications. We can opt for tap water or bottled water, both options are correct ” , according to the dietitian-nutritionist. Women should drink 1.6 liters of water a day. Some tricks: Before the meal increases the feeling of satiety and decreases the appetite. If it is between 10-15oC it is more hydrating. And diluting a sauce with water, for example, also helps lighten the menu. The same as lightening drinks or soups with water.
I would advise you always take low carb DRINKS FOR HEALTHY weight and dieting that will help boost your immune to and avoid clogging of Raw fat.
It is known that at present 30% of the food that is acquired ends up being thrown away and, in addition, food is the second most important expense in any household, after housing. It is worth planning!
What foods should not be missing from your shopping list? Seasonal fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy (plain yogurt, kefir and fresh cheese), lean meats (rabbit, chicken, turkey), eggs, white and blue fish, legumes, extra virgin olive oil, pasta, rice and whole wheat bread and quinoa, aromatic herbs (parsley, basil, oregano, bay leaf, mint, rosemary or thyme), spices (pepper, paprika, turmeric or ginger), water and infusions (chamomile, lemon verbena, rooibos, pennyroyal). The rest is expendable. And when you go shopping, make a list and stick to it , go without appetite or after eating, without rushing, with enough time to choose calmly, and do not use your mobile phone while shopping.
It seems that comfort is gaining followers and that we all sign up for the minimum effort, denounces Carlas. Well, being sedentary predisposes you to more eating, more snacking and more stress.
“Try to do an age-appropriate exercise, which we like, since exercising has to be pleasant, with a frequency of 2 or 3 times a week for 45 minutes, without forgetting to start with a prior warm-up and adequate stretching, and increasing the difficulty and intensity progressively. "
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Practicing 'teoxing' (or drinking tea and herbal teas to lose weight ), especially after meals, will help you stimulate fat loss and increase satiety. Of course, if you choose well.
Choose those that contain guarana, green tea (slows the absorption of fats and carbohydrates), French nettle (which is also a diuretic), mint or ginger, which help prevent bloating.
If you prefer coffee to tea, try to be alone . And of course, without sugar or sweeteners.
The maximum: two or three coffees a day, tops .
Industrial bakery is absolutely prohibited. Of course, instead you have a lot of options that are just as delicious and above all, healthier. Swap your whims for other foods rich in fiber and antioxidants such as coconut, dark chocolate, nuts or fresh and seasonal.
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