How long you should try before you give up?

How long you should try before you give up?

How long should you try to achieve your goal?

Harshal wanted to achieve his goal of losing 15 kgs in 3 months. However, in 3 months, he only lost 6 kgs. He obviously failed to achieve his goal and thus gave up on his goal. He put himself in a negative mindset and started avoiding his workouts and skipped many meals in next few months. 6 Months down, he not only gained back what he had lost, but he also put on an additional 10kgs. This is when this thought struck in his mind,'' What if I had not given up? Where would I have been today had I tried changing my strategy?"

Tony Robbins, world's number one peak performance coach has given a formula for success which works in all contexts.

1. Decide what you want

2. Know why you want it

3. Take action

4. Notice what is working and what is not

5. Change your approach until you get what you want

Notice the point number 5.

Now,let me ask you a few questions.

1. How long did you allow yourself to try to learn cycling until you decided cycling wasn't for you and gave up on it?

2. How long did you allow yourself to try to learn computer until you decided learning computer wasn't for you and did not learn it anymore?

3. How long did you allow yourself to try to learn using facebook until you decided it wasn't for you and did not learn it anymore?

4. How long did you allow yourself to try to learn using an android mobile phone until you decided learning this new technology was not for you and you threw your new android phone outside the window?

5. How long would you allow your baby to try to learn to walk, until you decided walking isn't for him and didn't let him learn the walking anymore?

The answer to all the question is - " Until I get what my outcome is"

Now, let me ask you another question.

How long would you allow yourself to lose weight until you decided that losing weight isn't for you and you stop exercising and eating healthy?

Shouldn't the answer be same - 'Until I get what my outcome is" ?

Most people do same things over and over again and as a result, get same outcome every time. Most people over-generalise their efforts like " I tried everything but I did not lose weight." That is bullshit. If they had tried everything, they would have achieved their outcome. 

Giving up on your goal is not the solution. You need to CHANGE your strategy if the old one is not working. 

What if this new strategy does not work? 

Change your approach until you get what you want

What if that also does not work? 

Change your approach until you get what you want

What if you try that and that also doesn't work?

Change your approach until you get what you want

What if after all these efforts, it still does not work?

Change your approach until you get what you want

What if it still does not work?

Change your approach until you get what you want

How many times?

Until you get what you want!

Ask yourself- " Am I doing same things over and over again and expecting different outcome? "

If the answer is yes, you must change your strategy instead of giving up.

In short,

1. Know your outcome

2. Try everything until you get something that works

Another strategy would be to ask for help to someone who is expert in what you want to achieve and has got good results. If losing weight is your goal, feel free to ask me for help.

Niranjan Deshpande

Founder, NTS


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