How long the wine last after opened

How long the wine last after opened

Do you know how long you can keep red wine after opening?

One day? Two days? One week?

Now, let me tell you the answer.


In general, the wine will change immediately after opening at nature temperature. Usually the wine is completely spoiled in about 3 days (2 days for white wine).


If you want to extend the life of your wine after opening it, you can use the wine bottle stoppers after the wine is opened. The wine stopper prevents air from penetrating into the bottle and mixing with the wine.


In addition, storing the opened wine in the refrigerator can also extend the life of the wine, and the lower temperature in the refrigerator can delay the oxidation process. In this environment, white wine can usually be stored for 1 week and red wine can be stored for 2-3 weeks.


Global Art Gifts is a professional metal craft & gift manufacturer, our main products include but not limited bottle opener, wine stopper, medals, pins & badges, keychains and so on. We're a reliable factory you can partner with.

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