How long will it take to get an independent board seat?

How long will it take to get an independent board seat?

I am continually asked – how long it will take to get a seat on a board as an independent director. As you can imagine, this question is incredibly challenging to answer. There are many variables to consider, and everyone’s pathway to their first and subsequent independent board seat will differ. However, I can tell you that a board seat will not just fall in your lap. It is also unlikely to happen due to a one-off application or conversation. Adopting a persistent and focused approach is the key to getting appointed to a board seat in a shorter time frame.

Searching for an independent board seat is challenging and time-consuming. Maintaining the effort and ongoing enthusiasm required can sometimes feel unsustainable, with many becoming disgruntled. This leads them to stall the process for several months or even permanently. I advise my clients to make an honest and meticulous commitment of 12 months to find their first independent board seat. If you follow my advice and processes, you will likely get a board seat much earlier.

Is “How long will it take” the right question to ask?

My answer is an unequivocal NO! Stop wasting your valuable time trying to answer a question that will likely set you up for unrealistic expectations. Instead, I recommend asking yourself these three more practical questions:

  1. Which organizations are likely to appoint me?
  2. What do I have to offer a board?
  3. How much time do I have to dedicate to the process?

By addressing my 3 pillars to gaining a board seat, you will answer these three questions and provide yourself with the framework, process, and tools to get appointed.

3 Pillars to gaining an Independent Board Seat

I have been successfully involved with putting people on boards for almost twenty years. I have spoken to hundreds of board chairs and successful board directors during that time. What became clear to me was that there are three areas or pillars that result in a successful board appointment.

These 3 pillars are ASPIRATION, ARTICULATION & APPLICATION. If you are not successful in gaining an independent board seat within 12 months, you are likely doing at least one of three things wrong.

Aspiration: Defining realistic board targets

Defining what sort of organization you want to be appointed to seems an obvious first step. While this may sound easy, most people cannot answer when asked, “What boards do you want to sit on?”. Alternatively, they give a generic or vague answer covering many different business types and industries. This is because they have no clearly defined board aspirations.

Once you start talking to people about getting a board seat, I can assure you that “What boards do you want to sit on?” is one of the most common questions you will be asked. Providing these responses will result in them labelling you as poorly organized, not serious or opportunistic. They are likely to dismiss your board aspiration. None of these are outcomes you want when we know that 65% of people are directly appointed to a board through a personal or professional connection.

The second element of the aspiration pillar is ensuring your board aspirations are realistic and achievable. For example, you are unlikely to be appointed as an independent board director of Amazon without extensive experience in senior executive roles, governance, boards, retail and/or logistics.

Articulation: Why YOU should be appointed to an independent board seat

Everyone is likely to have several reasons why they want to gain an independent board seat. Be aware that some of those reasons may support your selection, whilst others may hinder your chances in the eyes of relevant stakeholders. The first aspect of articulation is knowing which reasons align with the stakeholders’ motivations and being able to express them.

The second aspect of articulating is being able to express your value at the board level. You must consider what organizations want from successful board candidates and then be able to address what you have to offer clearly. You need to be able to do this formally, informally, verbally, and on paper. These statements can then be incorporated into your board profile and pitch.

I strongly recommend writing your Board CV as a place to start. The process of drafting one will help you think through what value you can add at the board level. You can work this into your formal board profile and informal board pitch.

Application: How to make it happen

The key to the Application pillar is perseverance. Like many things, the harder you work, the more likely you will succeed. However, when it comes to gaining a board seat, working cleverly is as vital as working hard. You need to determine where best to devote your efforts. That means recognizing the four ways board appointments are made:

  • Through personal connections,
  • By directly approaching an organization;
  • Via a Recruiter;
  • Responding to an advertised board opportunity.

Each method requires different approaches and strategies. Appointment processes via recruiters and advertisements are competitive and formal, while personal connections and directly approaching organizations require more informal strategies.

So, how long will it take for you to be appointed?

Well, that depends; the smarter you work, the faster this will happen. You need to clarify which organization you want and can be appointed to. You need to be able to articulate what you can offer a board. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort. If you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, you should expect an independent board seat within 12 months.

Defining your target organizations is a complex process and, if not done satisfactorily, will impact everything moving forward. Articulating your board profile and pitch is challenging. Applying yourself to the various pathways to an independent board seat requires aptitude and perseverance.


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