How Long Short-Term Memory Powers Advanced Text Generation
Artificial Intelligence Board of America
ARTiBA, designed for #ArtificialIntelligence professionals for the purpose of providing excellence in #AI practices
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are widely used in deep learning and in tasks involving sequential data. While ordinary neural networks are not quite capable of processing long-term dependencies in sequences, LSTMs are specifically intended for this purpose. Therefore, they find applications in many tasks like text synthesis, speech recognition, and time series prediction.
Deep learning models that are accurate have a problem with sequences in which dependencies exist over many time periods. This is counteracted by LSTMs due to their structure which has memory cells and gating mechanisms. These properties make it possible for LSTMs to manage and update the long-term context, which is very important in the sequence prediction task.
Advantages of LSTM networks:
In deep learning, LSTM networks have emerged as the best in modeling sequences as they have outperformed other models in areas that involve understanding and creation of sequences such as text generation using LSTM. Due to their capability of modeling long-term dependencies and context, LSDMs are crucial in the development of natural language processing (NLP).
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