How Long is the Lifetime of LED Strip Lights?
How long is the lifetime of the LED strip lights? Many of my customers have asked this question. Our regular led strip lights have a 3-5 years Lifetime. I’m sure by now you’ve been drawn to LED strip lights for the way they can add some ambiance to your space. and you’re wondering, what exactly is the lifespan of led strip lights? Learn what factors affect the lifetime of led strip lights and how to extend their life.
LED Strip Lights lifetime and the 70% rule (L70)
We all know that incandescent light bulbs will burn out directly, but LED strip lights are completely different from them. LED strip lights will slowly dim over time, slowly, and gradually lose light output. Of course, this means that the lifetime of the led strip lights has ended. Of course, there are other factors, we also have to rule out the failure caused by other factors. Otherwise, you can count on the led strip lights to be usable until they are deemed too dim to be used.
However, we also think it’s too dark to use “how dark is that?” There are as many answers as there are lighting applications, and lifetime is the number of hours before an LED reaches approximately 70% of its light output. Anything over 70% is its “end of life”, which is usually when the light output is too dim to be useful.
How to Calculate L70
As we all know, the lifetime of the LED strip lights depends on several factors such as the quality of the led strip lights, the choice of raw materials, and its durability. However, it is generally accepted and believed that light output drops faster at higher drive currents and higher temperatures.
There is a specific test method called LM-80. This test method defines the main criteria for light lifetime testing, as material selection can vary significantly between different LED manufacturers and types. The downside to testing LED life is that it is time-consuming. For example, it would take about 14 months to perform a 10,000-hour test, even with the LEDs on 24/7.
For an industry as fast-paced as the LED lighting industry, that’s basically forever. Testing the product to meet the full 50,000-hour requirement takes nearly 6 years. Therefore, the extrapolation algorithm TM-21 was designed. The algorithm’s job is to keep a sample of the LM-80 for the first few thousand hours, and then spit out a projected lifespan number. This number will be reported on the spec sheet and warranty.
Factors That Determine the Lifespan of LED Strip Lights
In fact, there are several factors that directly affect the lifespan of LED strip lights. These factors include frequency of use, application, area, temperature, electrical current, and how the led strip lights are used.
For this reason, most manufacturers state the useful lifespan on the packaging, but this is not an accurate life estimate. Manufacturers usually give estimates based on LEDs used under normal conditions, rather than trying to prescribe exact lifetimes. Let’s take a look at the following factors that determine the lifespan of LED strip lights.
Quality of Led Strip Lights
Don’t buy cheap, low-quality led strips, so before buying, you must ensure the quality of the products.
Humidity or Heat
LED strip lights are sensitive to extremes of temperature and humidity. So, don’t expose the led strip lights to a high humidity environment for a long time, which will affect its lifespan.
Accessory Wire Connection
Accessory connections also have the potential to affect LED strip lights lifespan. So, we want to make sure to use the proper gauge wire and connect the led strip lights to the power supply properly.
Correct Usage
The lifespan of LED strip lights also depends on how you use them. If you use light strips, just for ambiance, and only turn them on occasionally. Of course, you will definitely experience a longer lifespan.
On the other hand, if you’re using them as task lighting, turning them on and off frequently will definitely shorten their life.
Power Supply
The power supply is also a very important part. You must ensure that you are using a reputable, quality-assured power supply. An inferior power supply may output unstable voltage, which may be higher than the working voltage of the led strip lights, thus burning the led strip lights.
How to Protect LED Strip Lights of Lifespan
The following is our summary of views, hoping to help you use the light bar correctly and prolong the lifespan of the led strip lights normally.
Don’t Leave them on All Night
We sometimes remember to turn off the lights. This is bad behavior and we cannot develop such a habit. So, leaving the LED strip lights on all night will eventually affect their lifespan.
Install Correctly
The installation will also affect the lifespan of the LED strip lights. As we know, any bend, crease, or abnormal application will affect the diode and circuit. Please note that cutting and extending the led strip lights will also cause a voltage drop and affect the quality of the led strip lights.
Quality Matters
Another aspect of LED strip lights lifespan is quality. A dollar or two cheaper is nice, but cheap LED strips won’t last you long and you’ll soon have to repurchase and install them, which will cost more, so go for good quality led strip lights.
Final Thoughts
The lifetime of the LED strip lights is estimated to be approximately 50,000 hours. However, actual quantities vary depending on the quality level of the product and its use. Factors that can shorten life expectancy include improper installation, exposure to moisture or heat, and poor electrical connections.
If you want your light source to last longer, consider high-quality led strip lights, hope this article helps ease your concerns about LED strip lights lifespan.