How Long Does It Take?
Peter E. Paskill
Your Satisfaction Guaranteed, or full refund. 40 years and 9,000+ individuals later, I know what it takes to make your transition easier and more effective. Serving clients around the globe. Interested, then let's chat.
Your Satisfaction Guaranteed, or full refund. 40 years and 9,000+ individuals later, I know what it takes to make your transition easier and more effective. Serving clients around the globe. Interested, then let's chat.
On almost a daily basis, someone asks or says to me “How long does it take to find a new job?” Or “I didn’t think it would take this long.” Or “I’ve been making online job application and I’m not hearing back.” Or “I just feel overwhelmed, depressed and exhausted.”
Hearing stressful stories about being unemployed and in the search for a new job for 6, 9 months and even a year or more really fosters the anxieties and doubt attendant with the prolonged search.
These and many more comments are very real and speak to the lack of understanding and support for how people are finding or creating new and rewarding employment opportunities today. There is so much misinformation and promises on the Internet it is all too easy for the job seeker to become lost and isolated.
I know this appears to be self-serving, but engaging a reputable career coach with a proven track record could make your job search easier and much more effective.
For example, over the past five months 16 of my clients have found new jobs in approximately 4 months, in the fields of high-tech, medical products, beverage industry, government service and non-profit. How long have you been looking? And at what emotional and financial cost?
Engaging a “street-smart” career coach comes with a cost, but really more an investment you are making in yourself. Your coach should open doors through their network you would not have access to, unearthing opportunities you didn’t have knowledge of as they were not advertised. Your coach will be your partner, guide and mentor, relieving you of having to manage the job search process by yourself, isolated.
And when all is said and done your career coach has shortened your job search time, proving their worth by reducing your emotional stress and actively helping you to find or create a new and rewarding employment opportunity that puts a smile on your face and money in the bank.
How long does it take? Well working smarter will certainly reduce both the time and energy that it takes to find your new job, thereby reducing your ongoing out of pock financial drain. ?It’s your choice to make.