How Long Does It Take to Kill Algae in a Pool?
Swimming pool algae can be a real nightmare for users and owners of the facility, however, they can be controlled and eliminated with ease. Turning to the time it takes to kill algae in a pool varies depending on the type of algae, the intensity in the infestation and the method to be used in removal.
In this article, you will learn how to regain your pool sparkle and the time it will take to do it.
Understanding Algae in Pools
It will, therefore, be a good idea to first outline some of the most frequent algae species that end up in pools. Some of the most common are the green algae, yellow algae also known as the mustard algae and black algae. Green algae are the most primitive and least troublesome of all the types of algae and therefore; the easiest to eradicate but the yellow and black types are the most tedious to deal with.
Step 1: Establishing the Problem
The first stage of algae treatment involves encapsulation as a method of checking the exact type of algae as well as the intensity of the infestation. This can usually be done visually, as each type of algae has distinct characteristics:
Step 2: The Process of Shocking the Pool
After that, you would require to figure out which type of algae you are dealing with and after that shock the pool. This involves the addition of a higher concentration of chlorine so as to eliminate algae as well as bacteria. The amount of chlorine required depends on the severity of the infestation:
Step 3: Cleaning and Filtering
The following procedure after shocking is scrubbing the walls and the floor since there may be some algae sticking to the walls and the floor. This step is important if not critical especially if there is growth of yellow and black algae which have a tendency of sticking on pool surfaces more so than other types of algae.
Once one has scrubbed the pool, it is advisable to operate the filter for some time to filter out the dead algae particles in the water. That is why, depending on the filter type and the algae bloom, these steps may take several hours up to several days.
Step 4: Retesting and Balancing Pool Chemistry
After the algae have been killed and got rid of, the water in the pool should be tested again and later balanced to eliminate any further formation of algae in the pool. It is important to maintain the right chlorine, pH and total alkalinity levels so as to avoid future growth of algae.
Their contributions that concern estimated timelines of Killing Algae are as follows:
All in all, the duration it takes to eliminate algae in a pool depends in the type of algae and the degree of infestation. It is therefore manageable through shocking, scrubbing, filtering and chemical balancing out of which most of the algae problems can be fixed within a week, provided a correct identification of the algae species. While in rare instances where the stains are persistent such as black algae, there might be need to continue cycling and paying attention to avoid reinfection. It is advisable to conduct periodic cleaning of the pool in order to prevent it from being occupied by algae and for use at anytime.