How long does it take to heal?
Hilde Larsen ★
CEO, Health and Mindest Coach, Detox Specialist, Author, and Keynote Speaker at Inspired By Hilde
People ask me all the time; where do I start. How long until I am well, or why doesn't this work for me?
Well, we are all in different places, and I want to explain simply, how to approach your change from where YOU are.
When time is of the essence:
Not everyone has time to transition into a healthier lifestyle. Some are barely hanging on, trying to save their lives. For everyone who is in the situation of long-standing, chronic, painful, and degenerative disease, I say there is no time to lose. Even though the change can be hard and challenging, the decision has to be made. A diet of fruits, berries, and melons are on the menu, and that is that. The top-of-the-mountain, acute healing diet is a grape fast, and nothing will allow the acids to move as the grapes do.
No one knows how deep you will have to dig, or how long it will take, but the body will do it's very best every single day. Know that you hold the power, one step at the time. Get support and a close follow up, to ensure that you are allowing your body to heal safely.
When you are tired of feeling sick:
You might be low in energy and have many different hurts and pains. You might even be on some sort of chemical medication. You are functioning and need to keep going to work. You want to get healthy and will do whatever it takes, little by little.
I say to you, do not wait any longer. I waited and waited, until one day I was almost out cold. I had done my best not to listen to my body`s signals for years. If you are where I was, I recommend you start by reading my book “From HELL to Inspiredâ€. I hope that it will inspire you to wait no more. Be done. Step into the raw right away and include some greens and raw food recipes if you like. Your house is on fire, even though it might not look that way.
When you know what you are doing is not optimal, but:
You are the lucky ones, the one that is doing what we should all be doing. Educating yourself, with the intent to change before the symptoms of ill health set in. You are the one that has the opportunity to walk healthy through this lifetime, by simply changing what will create a problem down the road. When you transition to the raw food diet and change the way you live and think. You will feel what feeling good feels like. If you believe you are feeling great right now, wait for the real buzz. Do not wait until later, go get it!
Healthy is the typical norm, what we are designed to be. The smallest indication that we are not, is a cry for change.
Detoxification, the art:
You need to know when to hold them, and when to fold them. The process which is so simple, yet so complex, is an art. It is an individual journey that requires faith, knowledge, diligence, and patience. It also needs a firm and sound mind, to ensure that the process is running smoothly. Sometimes slow and steady is the way, and sometimes we need to dig in deep.
The body might tell you to back off a little bit at times, to slow down, and that can be an important part of your journey. Sometimes the body simply needs to recap and rebuild some energy. It will cleanse in its timely manner and cannot be forced. Sometimes though, if we are using herbs and very astringent foods, the body will react to that. This is where the art comes in again. When you are working with herbs, these amazing God-given healers, with essential oils, you are working with powerful substances. They are potent and strong, yet gentle on your system
Some of you, like me, might want to keep going, even though the body is saying “not so fast, missyâ€, so take it from me - listen. At other times, it will be more beneficial to keep ongoing. To walk through the tunnel, and not stop until you are through.
The symptoms of cleansing can be many, and scary. Make sure that you are informed, and that you know what to expect. For some, the journey is simply fun from the get-go. For others, it is not. The body might beg to differ, as it is cheering and clapping, saying; Finally, this shit is leaving me!†Educate yourself on the topic and find your inner guidance.
Healing is a serious business
YOUR business.
I have so many tools to help you get going:
The Membership with all the resources you need:
My Self-Sabotage Audio series:
You can consult me one-on-one:
Watch my free webinar:
Grab my 3 secrets videos:
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Watch my Youtube Videos:
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Follow my Optimal Health Blueprint Course:. ( 90% off with code Health 2020)
I specialize in:
Chronic physical, Spiritual, and Mental Health.
Hilde Larsen
Health/Mindset Coach/Author/Speaker/Detox Specialist/Life-Enthusiast