How long do you spend on your phone everyday? 刷手机(shuā shǒujī)

How long do you spend on your phone everyday? 刷手机(shuā shǒujī)

How long do you spend on your phone everyday? I saw a news recently says the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone each day. In my opinion, some of my friend are addicted to short-form video app like Douyin - the Chinese version Tiktok. They keep on swipe the screen for the next video, never ends. So today, let’s talk about the word to swipe in Chinese.

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To swipe in Chinese is 刷(shuā).

刷(shuā)手机(shǒujī) to swipe your phone

刷(shuā)抖音(dǒuyīn)to swipe Douyin(Chinese version Tiktok) videos


How many hours a day do you spend on swiping your phone?

You can also use this 刷(shuā) for swiping a card.

刷卡(shuākǎ) to swipe a card

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I want to make the payment by swiping the credit card.

Even though we use tapping cards a lot now for subway entrances and some office building doors, we still like to use the word 刷(shuā).

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Tap the card to enter the station


Tap the card to enter the gate

Some new buildings use face recognition to open doors. And probably you use facial recognition to unlock your phone now. It’s nothing about swiping, but we still use 刷(shuā).

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to enter the door by facial recognition


to unlock by facial recognition

Actually, the word 刷(shuā) originally means to brush, like to brush your teeth is 刷牙(shuāyá). A brush is 刷子(shuāzi).

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Tooth brush 牙刷(yáshuā)

Makeup brushes are 化妆刷(huàzhuāngshuā)

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I use tooth bush to brush my teeth, use makeup brushes to put on makeup.

Leave a message and let us know how many hours a day did you spend on swiping your phone. 你(nǐ)一(yī)天(tiān)刷(shuā)几(jǐ)个(gè)小时(xiǎoshí)手机(shǒujī)?

Why not use those hours for learning Chinese with your phone? Check our website for online Chinese courses. You can swipe your phone screen to learn Chinese with us! 刷(shuā)手机(shǒujī)学(xué)中文(zhōngwen)吧(ba)!

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Very useful ??




