How long can you last??

How long can you last??

In order to be able to save the lives of sudden cardiac arrest patients and avoid neurological damage, a steady supply of oxygen to the heart and brain is necessitated. Life-sustaining circulation can be created through effective and uninterrupted chest compressions. Performing manual chest compressions of high quality is both difficult and tiring, and impossible in certain situations. The quality varies depending on who provides CPR and deteriorates quickly after only one or two minutes.

If you don't get CPR within 3 minutes to Oxygenate the Brain and a Defibrillator on your chest to re-calibrate your heart, you are at high risk of Brain damage or Death.

That is why we have the Heart Safe Environment program

Is your workplace Heart Safe???

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) knows no boundaries.  

  • In Australia approximately 30,000 people sustain SCA outside of a hospital and are treated by emergency medical services (EMS) each year
  • An average of only 9% of its victims in Australia survive  
  • It can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone, even young athletes  
  • Early de?brillation is the single most effective treatment for SCA  
  • De?brillation within three minutes of collapse can increase the chance of survival to over 70%

Contact my team to make your workplace Heart Safe -

Kind regards,

 Craig Spence

Director of Sales & Marketing - Australia | NZ | Oceania

Global Adviser to AED Future Technology

Ray's Anatomy Pty Ltd

P: +61 419 738 132

P: 1300 266 311



Check out our amazing life saving video here

See our latest video on our CPR Wrap

Ray's Anatomy are a proud Supporter of Restart a Heart Day on October 16.

Craig was Nominated as a Finalist for Business Leader of the year award in 2016 & 2017


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