How living with allergies has made me feel NUTS and affected my Mental Wellbeing! By Jontae Hunt
Hi, I am Jontae…. I am 14 and I live with Anaphylaxis!
I was diagnosed at 13 months of age after eating a quarter of a cashew and going into anaphylactic shock. I am anaphylactic to all nuts (tree nuts and peanuts). I am also allergic to soy, coconut, mango and penicillin. I have lived with eczema and asthma since I was 8 weeks old.
Over the years living with allergies has affected almost every single aspect of my life in one way or another. I have made some amazing true friends growing up with allergies but also lost a few people who I thought were true friends due to them just not getting what anaphylaxis is all about a how fatal it can be for those of us that live everyday with it.
Anaphylaxis has most defiantly affected my mental wellbeing over the years and this also changes as I grow I have found. I have felt angry, scared, lonely, isolated, alienated, forgotten, terrified and angry did I mention really, angry!!!! But, it has also made me really understand what it is to feel loved, supported and to have compassion and empathy for others of which I am very grateful to have learned these qualities at a young age.
Going to school as a 5-year-old terrified me when I would see one of my classmates eating peanut butter sandwiches or muesli bars. I had a few bullies target me when my classes growing up were made nut free zones, they decided that they would try and take me out by smearing my lunch with peanut butter. I now dodge dropped trail mix in the courtyard and do not use the drink fountains incase the person before me has had Nutella or the like. I have missed out on so many birthday parties, family celebrations and social get togethers because of my allergies but that is ok I have learned along the way. It would be ideal to live in a world where we could be included in every experience in life. I am now trying to deal with the sheer disappointment or a sinking feeling in my gut at the fact I now have my first girlfriend and that the day I get to experience my first kiss is going to be more of a scientific, precautionary experience rather that the feeling of romance and being blown away by it all. I am going to have to ask and scan in my brain what she ate for breakfast or lunch……. WOW, that really sucks. I had recently talked to my mum about how much I hate living with allergies in these cases of just wanting to be able to experience life like a normal person. It made me cry lots and then get angry and just really depressed. But then mum made a great point that if my girlfriend is meant to be the one she will learn about my allergies and be aware and safe too…. I hope I can help her understand about anaphylaxis. Seems unfair that she is having to learn about this in a fast-tracked kind of way, where I have had almost 14 full years of experience on the subject.
I am so grateful for my parents, so very, very grateful. You see they have been my advocates, my teachers, my counselors, my rocks, my voice, my support system and most of all just loved me and walked beside me holding my hand the entire way. I hope they never let go. Mum has been a true trailblazer with learning all about anaphylaxis and making sure that I am always safe as I have grown up, as kids we need that constant care and guidance. Please don’t ever think you know it all or tell your parents to stop annoying you about always carrying two EpiPen’s. They after all are the reason that I am here writing my feelings and thoughts down today. They help keep us safe, along with our immediate support from family members.
My mum and dad have had it tough, but they will tell you different, and that its not too much trouble. You see my little brother is 8 and he too is anaphylactic. I have heard and seen my mum and dad cry and be heartbroken by this thing called allergies. Yes, it sucks but it has also had so many positives in my life too… that sounds weird, but I know some of you will get it.
I just wanted to say a big thank you to my parents, your parents, our carers, siblings, extended family and friends that are alongside us in our journey of life with allergies.
If I can leave you with any wisdom please always remember to talk, cry, ask questions, be brave and never feel like its all too much. You have support, you have help if you just ask.
Thank you to Pooja Newman founder of GLOBALAAI for helping me in my early teenage years cope that little bit more, you are cool you know with what you are doing, and I hope that I can contribute to help try and make life a little bit easier for someone.
So, if any of you kids out there feel like its too much and you are alone please drop me a comment below because I am here to make you feel like you are not alone. WE ARE NOT ALONE! Carry two and stay aware, all the best…. Jontae ??