How to Live Your Life Like a Millionaire
24/7 work ethic. Perseverance. Nonstop grind and hustle. Any self-made millionaire will tell you that all successful people live and breathe these traits.
...luckily Uncle Kevin is always here to tell you the cold hard truth. Ambition and hard work might make you money, but they won't make you happy and healthy. What's the point of being financially free, if not to live a life that fulfills your mind and feeds your soul?
In my latest episode of Ask Mr. Wonderful, I'm sharing the daily practices and routines that have helped me build something even more than important than a multi-million dollar business empire -- a life I love waking up to every day.
President at South Beach Storage
6 个月24/7 work ethics grind and hustle with of course great connections and never stop learning.
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Canadian Infrastructure professional.
9 个月
Special Event Caterer/Healtcare Professional
1 年Steal from as many hard working Americans as you can. That's how you become Mr Wonderful