How to live your dream life
Can you really design and build a life that you love? Yes you can if you have the necessary desire, tools and strategies, as well as the persistence and grit to make it happens. These are the essential areas and goals you should focus on:
· Values and mindset
· Priorities, passion and purpose
· Health
· Wealth
· Relationships
· Success
Values and mindset
The foundation of a successful life is solidly based on a positive mental attitude (PMA) and a healthy self-esteem. Without these attributes, there is no chance of living your dream life. In addition, your life needs to be based on a set of humane values. One of the best ways to achieve all of that is to learn to be your best friend, and thus give yourself the best advice all your life.
Priorities, passion and purpose
No doubt your first priority is to develop and nurture your PMA and self-esteem on a daily basis. Hopefully, developing your relationships with your family and friends will be among your top priorities. Discover and understand what you are passionate about, and determine your purpose in life through deep introspection.
Work on all aspects of your health and well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Financial and relational health are also important but are discussed separately. Practise daily activities and exercises that will consciously maintain and enhance your health and well-being, like exercising, eating healthy food, relaxation and sleep, prayer and meditation, etc.
Think like an entrepreneur whether you are working for others or for yourself. Develop effective strategies to strive for your financial independence and freedom as early as possible, like investing in real estate and the stock markets. Start your wise investments early, time and compound interests will be huge advantages for you. With financial freedom, you will have no more financial issues and stress, and a lot more options for yourself and your family.
Loving relationships matter. Life is really a series of relationships. The rest is just the mechanics of life. Without loving relationships, there is no meaning to life. So spend much of your precious time with your family and friends and create memorable occasions, reunions and celebrations. Financial wealth will give you more discretionary time with your loved ones with much more opportunities.
By putting all the above together and with continuous learning, we can achieve your lifetime success in alignment with your humane values and beliefs. Of course, you will have to make many choices and decisions. For sure you will have challenges and make mistakes along your journey to success. Don’t worry about them, learn from them and forge ahead. Hopefully, when you are living your dream life, you don’t forget to pull along your family, friends and others along the way. Enjoy it, you deserve it!
The above ideas and concepts are taken from my book: Become your best. For more detailed principles and strategies, consult my book: Become your best.