How to Live in Uncertainty without Anxiety
How do you face uncertainty without anxiety?
That is a question we all face whether we are an athlete or not. And the answer is the same for anyone.
First, recognize that uncertainty is uncontrollable. Uncertainty is the human condition. While it may seem new to you...because of COVID...or your latest's always been there. You may just not have acknowledged it.
But your anxiety doesn't come from the uncertainty in your circumstances. Because everyone faces that and not everyone has anxiety.
Anxiety comes from your thoughts about your circumstances. "It shouldn't be this way. Something has gone wrong." But uncertainty is our human condition. So those are just flawed thoughts about your situation. And that is where your anxiety comes from.
So acknowledge...nothing is wrong. You can't control the uncertainty of life. But there is one thing you can Your thoughts...and therefore your feelings...since they come from your thoughts. And your actions...since they arise out of your feelings.
Instead of thinking how uncertain your life is...think of the things of which you can be certain. Think of the thoughts about yourself that you know are true.
Here are a few of mine:
I have everything in me to handle whatever comes my way.
I've been in uncertainty before and I've figured it out.
I'm going to be the best I can no matter what comes my way.
I can handle my thinking, therefore I can handle this.
Believing in yourself is the way you deal with the uncertainty of the world. For many of us, we will also add to that a belief that God is in control and that can give us peace.
But as long as you try to control the uncertainty of the world, you will be pretty miserable and you will be anxious.
When you decide to control you - your thoughts and your feelings and your actions - your anxiety will fade away.
You have everything you need to handle what comes your way.
Need help learning to manage your mind and emotions. I would love to help. Schedule a free consultation call at the link below:
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